British pronunciation/mˈe‌ɪk/
American pronunciation/ˈmeɪk/

تعريف ومعنى "make"

to make
[past form: made]

يصنع, يعد

to form, produce, or prepare something, by putting parts together or by combining materials
Transitive: to make sth
to make definition and meaning
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The students will make a model of the solar system for the science fair.
The carpenter can make custom furniture based on your design preferences.
The factory workers make thousands of cars every month.

تأليف, صياغة

to compose, formulate, or prepare something abstract or written
Transitive: to make sth
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The poet spent hours to make a heartfelt poem for her friend's birthday.
Can you help me make a to-do list for the upcoming week?
We decided to make a playlist of our favorite songs for the road trip.

يعد, طبخ

to prepare or cook something
Transitive: to make food
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The chef will make a delicious pasta dish using fresh ingredients.
The children are excited to make their own pizzas at the cooking class.
The classic American pie is made of a flaky crust and a delicious fruit filling.

يؤدي إلى, يسبب

to lead to a certain outcome, whether intentionally or unintentionally
Transitive: to make an outcome
to make definition and meaning
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Her comments can make confusion in the team.
The storm will make delays in our travel plans.
Lack of communication can make misunderstandings among family members.

يجعل, يحدد

to cause someone or something to display or possess a specific quality, emotion, or state
Complex Transitive: to make sb/sth [adj]
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His encouraging words made the team more confident.
The beautiful scenery makes the place serene and peaceful.
The challenging task can make individuals anxious.

يساهم, يجعل

to contribute significantly to the completeness or success of someone or something
Transitive: to make sb/sth
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A strong thesis statement can make an essay.
The final touch of accessories can make the outfit.
A carefully chosen selection of spices can make a dish.

يجبر, يلزم

to force someone or something to do something
Ditransitive: to make sb do sth
to make definition and meaning
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The bad weather made us cancel our outdoor plans.
The strict deadline made the team work late into the night.
His commitment to the job made him sacrifice personal time.

تعيين, اختيار

to choose or appoint someone to a specific position or role
Complex Transitive: to make sb holder of a position
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The committee decided to make him the chairman due to his experience and leadership skills.
The team unanimously made her captain for the upcoming season.
The organization made her the spokesperson for the new campaign.

يُمثل, يصنع

to represent someone or something in a particular way
Complex Transitive: to make sb/sth [adj] | to make sb/sth do sth
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The artist tried to make the landscape look serene and peaceful in her painting.
The journalist wanted to make the interviewee's perspective clear to the readers.
The caricaturist made my smile too exaggerated in the cartoon.

يكسب, يصنع (مال)

to gain or earn money, as by doing business
Transitive: to make a sum of money
to make definition and meaning
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She makes $75,000 a year from her graphic design business.
The professional athlete makes millions of dollars through endorsements.
The real estate agent helps people make money through property transactions.

الوصول إلى, المشاركة في

to arrive at a place or event
Transitive: to make a place
to make definition and meaning
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She had to make the party a bit late due to prior commitments.
We should start early to make the beach by noon.
We made Los Angeles in less than four hours with the light traffic.

اتخاذ قرار, عمل اختيار

(dummy verb) to perform an action that is specified by a noun
Transitive: to make sth
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She had to make a decision about which college to attend.
Can you make a suggestion for the theme of the party?
The speaker will make a speech at the conference next week.

يصنع, يتناسب مع

to suit the requirements or characteristics of something particular
Complex Transitive: to make sb/sth sb/sth | to make sb/sth [adj]
Linking Verb: to make sb/sth
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With her patience and knowledge, she would make a fantastic mentor.
The old barn has the potential to make a charming guesthouse with some renovations.
His dedication and leadership skills would make him a great team captain.

يصل إلى, يساوي

to add up to a specific quantity or total
Linking Verb: to make a quantity or total
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The total expenses make $ 500 for the month.
When you combine the numbers, they make a sum of 100.
The scores from both rounds make a final total of 150 points.

يقدر, يحسُب

to guess or calculate a specific value or result
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What temperature do you make it in the room?
Looking at the map, I make the distance to be around 100 kilometers.
Based on the traffic, I make our arrival time at approximately 3 PM.

محاولة الإقناع بالعلاقة, السعي لإقامة علاقة

to try to persuade a particular person to consent to have sexual intercourse with one
Transitive: to make sb
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He could n't help but wonder if he would ever succeed in making Kate, as he had been trying for two years now.
Despite all her attempts to make Joe, he remained aloof and uninterested.
He had been trying to make Lucas for two years now, and he was starting to lose hope.

تحقيق, إنجاز

(in bridge, whist, or other similar card games) to successfully fulfill their contract by taking the required number of tricks
Transitive: to make a contract
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Despite challenging circumstances, the skilled player managed to make the contract by taking all the necessary tricks.
The strategic bidding allowed the team to make their slam contract and secure a substantial point advantage.
The declarer 's clever play enabled them to make the game contract, earning valuable points for their team.

تحقيق, enجاز

to achieve a specific score or result in a sports game
Transitive: to make a score or result
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The team made 45 points in the first quarter of the basketball game.
The basketball team made 110 points in the last game.
Despite the tough competition, the gymnast made a perfect 10 on her routine.

يحقق, ينجح في

to succeed in reaching a particular status, position, or achievement
Transitive: to make a position or rank
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Despite numerous attempts, she could n't make the top three in the competition.
Despite the tight schedule, they are determined to make the project deadline.
She practiced every day to make the varsity soccer team.

يعتبر, يصل إلى

to count to a particular total
Linking Verb: to make a particular total
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She canceled plans again, That makes the fourth time this month!
' We have n't finished the assignment yet ', ' That makes three of us.'
I 've spilled my coffee again, That makes the third time this week!

يخرج, يمثل

to perform or act in a movie, play, or similar production
Transitive: to make a movie or similar production
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Tom Hanks has made many films, including " Forrest Gump " and " Saving Private Ryan. "
Meryl Streep is one of the most celebrated actresses of all time, having made over 100 films.
She 's a very talented actress who has made many films.

يجعل, يُسبب

to cause someone do something particular
Ditransitive: to make sb do sth
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The funny movie always makes me laugh uncontrollably.
The unexpected news made her gasp in surprise.
A catchy tune can make people tap their feet and dance.

إحداث, تكوين

to produce a visible effect by breaking, tearing, hitting, or removing material
Transitive: to make a mark or cut in sth | to make a mark or cut on sth
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The hammer made a crack in the wall as he tried to hang the painting.
Strong winds made a hole in the old tent during the storm.
The chef made a cut in the dough to create the perfect shape for the pie crust.

يجعل, يحوّل

to turn into a particular type of person or thing
Complex Transitive: to make sb/sth [adj] | to make sth sth
Transitive: to make sth
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Do n't make a habit out of being late.
You 've made a huge mess in the kitchen.
It 's important to try and make the most of your life.

يظهر في, يتواجد في

to feature in a publication or news coverage
Transitive: to make a publication or news coverage
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The scandal made the evening news, sparking a public outcry.
If the team wins the championship, it will make the front page of the sports section.
Her achievements in the field of medicine made the local newspaper.

حقق, سجل

(in sports) to successfully accomplish a specific action
Transitive: to make sth
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After a failed attempt, the striker made the penalty kick on the second try.
In the penalty shootout, the goalkeeper blocked the first kick but could n't make the second save.
The golfer struggled with the first swing, but managed to make the second one with precision.

تكوين, إنشاء

to form or constitute a pair or group with a particular characteristic or quality
Transitive: to make a pair or group
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They made an incredible team on the basketball court.
The musicians made a harmonious ensemble during the concert.
The unlikely friendship between the shy introvert and the outgoing extrovert made an unusual duo.

استعد للقيام, ظهر كأنه

to appear to start an action
Transitive: to make to do sth
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He made to leave the room, but then hesitated.
As the bell rang, the students made to exit the classroom.
The cat made to pounce on the unsuspecting bird.

يتصرف, سلوك

to act or behave in a particular manner
Transitive: to make to do sth
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She made as if she was interested in his story, but I could tell she was bored.
He made to care even though I knew he did n't.
He made as if he was surprised to see me, but I knew he had been expecting me.

تحديد, تخطيط

to decide specific arrangement or time
Ditransitive: to make an activity or event a particular time
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We need to schedule the meeting; let's make it 2:00 PM tomorrow.
What time works for everyone?
To accommodate everyone 's availability, let 's make the appointment for Thursday afternoon.

يجعل, يُحدث

to cause something or someone to be changed in a specified way
Complex Transitive: to make sb/sth sth
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We were going to order pizza for the party, but someone suggested to make it a potluck dinner instead.
I'll have a large coffee, please.
They took a classic novel and made the characters teenagers in a modern high school setting.

خلط, مزج

to mix up a deck of cards thoroughly before dealing them in a card game
Transitive: to make a deck of cards
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After each round, the dealer would make the cards to ensure a fair game.
Players often take turns making the deck to prevent any predictability in the card distribution.
Before the poker game began, the dealer carefully made the cards to eliminate any chance of cheating.

يصنع, يحول

to change or shape something to transform it into something else
Transitive: to make sth
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Can you make a paper airplane for me with this sheet of paper?
The artist can make a sculpture from a block of marble.
After hours of practice, he could make a delicate piece of pottery from a lump of clay.

تظاهر ب, تشبيه ب

to act like something or someone
Transitive: to make sb/sth | to make like sb/sth
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At the costume party, she decided to make like a pirate, complete with an eye patch and a wooden leg.
At the party, everyone was encouraged to make a different animal for a fun game of charades.
During the game, he decided to make like a detective and solve the mystery.

يعتبر, يعتبر بمثابة

to consider someone or something in a particular way
Complex Transitive: to make sb/sth as sb/sth | to make sb/sth into sb/sth
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Do n't make her as just another employee; she's a key contributor to the team's success.
Some people make the old building as a symbol of the town's rich history.
The media tends to make celebrities into larger-than-life figures, often distorting reality.

ترجم, نقل

to translate a text from one language into another
Complex Transitive: to make sth [adj]
Old useOld use
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She made the philosophical treaties Chinese, aiming to bridge the gap between Eastern and Western philosophical traditions.
The poet 's works were made Italian, capturing the nuances and beauty of the original language.
The scientific findings were made Russian, expanding their reach and impact in the scientific community.


to close doors, windows, or entrances
Transitive: to make an entrance
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As a safety measure, make sure to make the windows and doors securely before leaving the house.
In anticipation of the storm, the residents decided to make all windows and doors tightly.
To maintain privacy, they always make the entrance gate during private gatherings.

يرتفع, يأتي

(of the tide) to start coming in or going out
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As the sun set, the tide began to make, signaling the start of the incoming waves.
Sailors waited for the tide to make before navigating their boats into the harbor.
The fishermen knew it was time to cast their nets when they saw the tide making.

خَلْط, مَزْج

the act of mixing cards haphazardly
make definition and meaning

ماركة, صانع

the manufacturer or brand of a vehicle

What is a "make"?

A make refers to the brand or company that manufactures a product, particularly vehicles, appliances, or other equipment. It identifies who created or produced the item. For instance, the make of a car could be Toyota, Honda, or Ford, distinguishing the company responsible for its design and production. The term helps to classify and identify the origin of an item, especially when comparing different brands or models.

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The make of the car was displayed prominently on the grille.
She owned several vehicles, each from a different make.
He researched various makes before buying his new car.
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