تلاش کریں
to resolve
to find a way to solve a disagreement or issue
Transitive: to resolve a disagreement or issue
The couple attended counseling to resolve their marital conflicts.
The committee met to resolve the issues raised by the employees.
Communities hold meetings to resolve issues and enhance local living conditions.
to make a decision with determination
Transitive: to resolve to do sth
After much consideration, she resolved to pursue her dream of starting her own business.
Despite the challenges ahead, he resolved to overcome them and achieve his goals.
They resolved to work together to find a solution to the problem.
فیصلہ کرنا, عزم کرنا
(of a meeting, committee, etc.) to come to a decision through a formal vote
Transitive: to resolve that | to resolve to do sth
After several hours of discussion, the council resolved to approve the proposed law.
The assembly resolved to reject the motion after voting unanimously against it.
They resolved to change the regulations following a formal vote during the meeting.
to clarify or explain something by simplifying it
Transitive: to resolve sth
The detective resolved the mystery by piecing together all the clues.
He resolved the problem by identifying its core issue and simplifying the solution.
He resolved the confusion by offering a clear and straightforward explanation.
to calculate or work out the solution to a mathematical problem or equation
Transitive: to resolve a math problem or equation
She resolved the equation by applying the quadratic formula.
He was able to resolve the complex algebraic problem in under five minutes.
After much effort, he finally resolved the calculus problem.
حل کرنا, الگ کرنا
to separate or make clear the individual components of something that are closely connected or adjacent
Transitive: to resolve visibility of something
The microscope resolved the tiny cells that were previously invisible to the naked eye.
The camera resolution was high enough to resolve even the smallest features of the landscape.
The technician was able to resolve the adjacent lines and improve the image quality.
حل کرنا, تفصیل سے سمجھانا
to break down a subject, statement, or idea into its simpler parts or fundamental components
Transitive: to resolve a subject or statement | to resolve a subject or statement into simple parts
The philosopher resolved the complex argument into its basic principles.
She resolved the intricate issue by analyzing each factor individually.
The lawyer resolved the complicated case into simpler points for the jury to understand.
a strong will to have or do something of value
Her resolve to finish her degree despite personal challenges was unwavering.
The team 's resolve to win the championship was evident in their intense training sessions.
His resolve to help others led him to volunteer at the homeless shelter every weekend.
a formal expression by a meeting; agreed to by a vote

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