uygun olmak, uymak
uydurmak, ayarlamak
uygun olmak
uyumlu hale getirmek
uygun hale getirmek
uygun olmak, oturmak
fit, sağlıklı
uygunluk, beden
What is "fit"?
Fit refers to the way a garment conforms to the wearer's body. A well-fitting garment should feel comfortable and allow for ease of movement, without being too loose or too tight. The fit of a piece of clothing can be affected by a number of factors, such as the style of the garment, the fabric it is made from, and the size and shape of the wearer. Achieving the perfect fit can be a matter of trial and error, as well as taking into account individual preferences and body types. In the fashion industry, fit models are often used to ensure that garments are designed to fit a particular size and shape of the body.
kalkan balığı
sinir krizi
hastalık nöbeti
atak, saldırı