falla, ramla
minska, falla
falla, sjunka
falla, minska
falla, sova
falla under, höra till
falla, misslyckas
falla, ske
falla, övertas
falla, avlida
falla, sjunka
falla på, återfalla till
ge efter frestelsen, falla i synd
födas, komma till världen
falla, sjunka
ge sig i kast med, ta sig an
falla, sjunka
sjunka, minska
sjunka, nedstiga
falla, sjunka
falla, övergå
fallet, minskning
vattenfall, fall
skymmning, kväll
fall, nederlag
fall, grupp
fall, nedgång
fall, ödesdigert fall
lutning, backe
fall, överlåtelse
fall, nedgång
fall, minskning
fall, nedgång
fall, nederlag
fall, nedgång
What is a "fall"?
In literature, a fall often refers to a character's decline or downfall, whether in terms of their status, moral integrity, or personal circumstances. This term is frequently used to describe the process by which a character experiences significant loss or failure, often as a result of their own actions or external forces. The fall typically serves as a key turning point in the narrative, leading to further developments in the plot and influencing the character's journey.