dissolver, resolver
dissolver, diluir
dissolver-se, desaparecer lentamente
dissolver, anular
dissolver-se, desintegrar-se
dissolver, anular
dissolver, anular
dissolver, desvanecer
dissolver-se em lágrimas, desmoronar-se em emoções
fazer alguém perder o controle emocional, dissolver em lágrimas
dissolução, transição
What is a "dissolve"?
A dissolve is a type of transition in film and video editing where one scene gradually fades out while the next scene simultaneously fades in, creating a smooth, overlapping transition between the two. This technique is used to signify a passage of time, a change in location, or a shift in the narrative, helping to connect scenes in a visually seamless manner. A dissolve can add a sense of continuity and flow to the storytelling, making transitions between different moments or scenes more fluid.