melarutkan, mencairkan
melarutkan, larut
larut, perlahan hilang
melarut, membatalkan
larut, pecah
melarutkan, membatalkan
membubarkan, membatalkan
larut, bertransisi
larut dalam air mata, hancur dalam emosi
membuat seseorang kehilangan kendali, menghancurkan emosi
dissolve, transisi
What is a "dissolve"?
A dissolve is a type of transition in film and video editing where one scene gradually fades out while the next scene simultaneously fades in, creating a smooth, overlapping transition between the two. This technique is used to signify a passage of time, a change in location, or a shift in the narrative, helping to connect scenes in a visually seamless manner. A dissolve can add a sense of continuity and flow to the storytelling, making transitions between different moments or scenes more fluid.