remendo, patch
pólo, bandagem
pedaço, mancha
parcelas, pedaço
What is a "patch"?
A patch refers to a small area of soil or ground that is specifically set aside for growing plants, such as flowers, vegetables, or herbs. It can be a part of a larger garden or a separate section designated for a particular type of plant or project. Garden patches are often created to improve plant growth by ensuring they have enough space and the right conditions.
remendo, pedaço de tecido
um adesivo, um tapa-olho
What is a "patch"?
A patch is a covering worn over one eye to protect it, typically used for medical reasons. It is usually made of a soft material like cloth or plastic and is placed over the eye to help treat conditions such as lazy eye, double vision, or after eye surgery. The patch helps to strengthen the weaker eye by limiting its use and encouraging the stronger eye to work harder. Regular use of the patch is important for effective treatment under the guidance of an eye care professional.
patch, conexão temporária
patch, atualização
período, segmento
remendar, consertar
reparar, remendar
remendar, reparar