重い (おもい), ヘビー (へびー)
雨雲の厚い, どんよりした
重い食事, ボリュームのある食事
妊娠後期の, 妊娠中の
重い, 厳しい
重装の, 極重の
重い(おもい), 心苦しい(こころぐるしい)
重き土, 重い土
重い(おもい), 重質(じゅうしつ)
強力な (きょうりょくな), 激しい (はげしい)
軽蔑する (けいべつする), 気前の良い (きまえのよい)
深い眠り, 熟睡
重い, 重苦しい
きつい, ハード
重い, 重厚な
重い (おもい), 深い (ふかい)
重厚な, 頑丈な
重い, 鈍重な
難解な, 重厚な
飲酒にふける, 過度な飲食を好む
急な, 傾斜のある
重い, 厚手の
重い, ヘヴィ
大変な, 重い
濃い, 重い
重い, 膨大な
重い, 重量のある
シリアスな役割, 重い役
悪役, ヒール
ヘビー(ビール), 強めのビール
What is "heavy"?
Heavy, also known as Scottish heavy, is a type of beer that originated in Scotland and is known for its rich, malty flavor and full-bodied texture. It is brewed using a combination of malted barley, hops, and yeast, and is typically aged for an extended period of time to enhance its flavors and smoothness. Heavy beer has a deep amber to brown color, with a sweet, caramel-like taste and a slightly bitter finish. It is often associated with Scottish pub culture, and is traditionally served in pint glasses or tankards. Heavy beer is a popular choice among beer enthusiasts for its complex flavors and hearty character, and is often enjoyed alongside traditional Scottish dishes such as haggis, neeps, and tatties.
重たく, 鈍重に
word family