tung, svår
tyngd, tung
kraftig, tung
tung, gravid
mycket, svår
tung, förstärkt
tung, tyngd av
finkornig, tung
tung, ockend
kraftfull, intensiv
blyg, tung
djupt, tungt
tung, svår
tung, krävande
tung, tyngande
djup, kraftfull
tung, kraftig
tyngande, trög
tung, svår
överdådig, fyllig
brant, kraftigt lutande
kraftig, tung
skurkaktig, mörk
tung, svår
tät, mörk
enorm, omfattande
tung, betydande
tung roll, allvarlig roll
skurk, skurkar
starköl, tungöl
What is "heavy"?
Heavy, also known as Scottish heavy, is a type of beer that originated in Scotland and is known for its rich, malty flavor and full-bodied texture. It is brewed using a combination of malted barley, hops, and yeast, and is typically aged for an extended period of time to enhance its flavors and smoothness. Heavy beer has a deep amber to brown color, with a sweet, caramel-like taste and a slightly bitter finish. It is often associated with Scottish pub culture, and is traditionally served in pint glasses or tankards. Heavy beer is a popular choice among beer enthusiasts for its complex flavors and hearty character, and is often enjoyed alongside traditional Scottish dishes such as haggis, neeps, and tatties.
tungt, långsamt
word family