offensivo, ripugnante
sleale, scorretto
foul, non valido
lorido, sporco
osceno, indecente
bozzetto, definito
sporco, falso
What is a "foul"?
A foul is an action in a sport that breaks the rules or is considered unfair or dangerous. It usually results in a penalty or punishment, such as awarding the opposing team a free kick, a penalty shot, or a point. Fouls can involve physical contact, like pushing or tripping, or other actions that are not allowed according to the game's rules. Depending on the sport, fouls may be classified as minor or major, with more serious fouls potentially leading to further consequences, such as a player's disqualification or suspension.
commettere un fallo contro
contaminare, inquinare
colpire una palla foul, fare un foul
sporcare, macchiare
contaminare, macchiare
macchiare, inquinare
ostruire, bloccare