angolo, canto
angolo, canto
angolo, canto
incavo, scavo
angolo, cornice
monopolio temporaneo, angolo commerciale
angolo, vicolo cieco
angolo, cornice
un angolo remoto, una zona isolata
angolo, corner
What is a "corner"?
A corner refers to one of the four sections where the ropes meet in a boxing or wrestling ring. Each corner is typically occupied by a fighter’s team, including the fighter's trainer, manager, and other support staff. This is where the fighter rests during breaks between rounds, receives instructions, and gets any necessary adjustments, such as fresh water or treatment for injuries. The corners are usually marked with different colors or symbols to distinguish between the two competitors.
angolo, calcio d'angolo
What is a "corner"?
In soccer, a corner is a kick which is awarded when the ball crosses the goal line without a goal being scored and was last touched by a defending player. The kick is taken from the corner of the field, near the flag where the sideline and goal line meet. The player taking the corner kick aims to pass the ball to teammates near the goal, creating a chance to score. Corners can be played short to a nearby teammate or sent directly into the penalty area for an attack.
accerchiare, intrappolare
dominare il mercato, monopolizzare il mercato
curvare, prendere una curva