to caramelize
caramellare, caramelizzare
to heat sugar or other foods until it becomes a golden brown color and develops a rich flavor and aroma
Transitive: to caramelize sugar or food
The chef decided to caramelize the onions for a sweet and savory flavor in the dish.
She carefully caramelized the sugar for the glaze, adding a rich and golden hue to the baked ham.
When making homemade caramel popcorn, it 's crucial to caramelize the sugar and butter mixture to perfection.
to cook food containing natural sugars until it turns brown and develops a rich, nutty flavor
The sugar in the sauce started to caramelize, turning it into a glossy, golden brown.
The onions began to caramelize as they cooked slowly in the pan, releasing a sweet aroma.
As the peaches cooked, they began to caramelize, turning soft and sweet.

Parole Vicine