to understand
memahami, mengerti
to know something's meaning, particularly something that someone says
Transitive: to understand sth
Can you help me understand this equation?
She has a unique way of explaining things that makes it easy to understand complex topics.
He did n't understand the contract he was agreeing to.
dipahami, dimengerti
to regard something such as a phrase, a missing word, etc. as present
Transitive: to understand a missing word or phrase
If someone announces that they 're " engaged, " it is understood that they are engaged to be married.
The sentence " Would you like coffee? " has the implied object " a cup of " understood.
When she said " I need to go ", the place " home " is understood as the destination.
memahami, mengerti
to comprehend the significance of or the logic or reason behind something
Transitive: to understand the significance or logic of something
He finally understands the importance of saving money.
It 's difficult to understand his motives for quitting his job.
Scientists are still trying to understand the mysteries of the universe.
dipahami, dimengerti
to assume something to be the case because it is obvious
Transitive: to understand that
He preferred to work independently, that was understood.
I assumed it was understood that I would have weekends off.
She believed it was understood that she would have a private workspace.
memahami, mengerti
to be able to comprehend and empathize with someone else's feelings, problems etc.
Transitive: to understand that | to understand someone's feelings
He entirely understands that you need space to think.
I often feel like nobody truly understands my struggles.
I understand how you feel; it's a difficult situation.
mengerti, memahami
to be of the opinion that something is true, particularly because of what one has been told
Transitive: to understand that
I understand that you would like to reschedule the meeting.
It is understood that she will be the keynote speaker at the conference.
So, am I to understand that you wo n't be attending the party?
memahami, mengerti
to comprehend the significance of or the logic or reason behind something
Doctors still do n't understand much about the disease.
I could never understand why she was fired.
I fully understand the reason for your decision.

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