alja, alap
alja, bázis
folyómeder, folyópart
alap, fenék
alsó, nadrág
What is the "botom"?
The bottom refers to any garment that covers the lower half of the body. This includes pants, shorts, skirts, and other similar items. Bottoms are typically worn in combination with a top, which covers the upper half of the body. The style and design of bottoms can vary widely depending on factors such as the intended use, the season, and prevailing fashion trends. Some common types of bottoms include jeans, leggings, cargo pants, and athletic shorts. Bottoms can be made from a variety of materials, such as denim, cotton, and polyester, and may feature embellishments like zippers, buttons, or pockets.
alsó, felső rész
alap, első fokozat
hajótest, hajófenék
alsó, legalacsonyabb
alsó, legalján
fenéken élő, bentikus
legalacsonyabb, utolsó
borítani, kárpitozni
letesz, alapra helyez
kiderít, tudomására jut
alapot létrehozni, alapozni