to involve
مشارکت کردن, مشارکت داشتن
to be part of an event, situation, or activity
Transitive: to involve sb | to involve sb in sth
It ’s crazy to make these changes without involving the students.
Parents should involve themselves in their child's education.
The goal is to involve workers in the decision-making process.
شامل بودن, در بر گرفتن
to contain or include something as a necessary part
Transitive: to involve sth | to involve doing sth
Any investment involves an element of risk.
I did n’t realize putting on a play involved so much work.
The job involves my travelling all over the country.
در بر گرفتن
connect closely and often incriminatingly
Transitive: to involve sth
The discussion involves sensitive topics that require careful handling and consideration.
The dispute involves a complex legal issue that requires extensive research.
لازم دانستن
to necessitate or require as an essential part or accompaniment
Transitive: to involve sth
Completing the complex project will involve meticulous planning and coordination among team members.
Investing in the stock market involves a certain degree of risk.
The successful execution of the experiment involves precise measurements and adherence to established protocols.
پیچیده کردن
make complex or intricate or complicated
Transitive: to involve sth
The technological infrastructure and cybersecurity protocols involve the data protection measures of the company.
The curriculum design and teaching methodologies deeply involve an educational program.
The climate conditions and agricultural practices involve crop cultivation in the region.
درگیر شدن
to be or become engaged or absorbed in a particular activity or situation
Transitive: to involve oneself in sth
She tends to involve herself in charitable work during her free time.
He often involves himself in community events, demonstrating his commitment to civic engagement.
Children naturally involve themselves in imaginative play, creating vibrant scenarios.
تاثیر داشتن
to have an impact on a person, object, or entity
Transitive: to involve sb/sth
Forty-six vehicles were involved in the accident.
There are reports of a violent incident involving local inhabitants and U.S. troops.
There have been four accidents involving Forest Service planes.
دخیل کردن (در رویداد، موضوع)
to engage someone in circumstances that require their active participation or action
Transitive: to involve sb in sth
Taking part in the campaign might involve you in getting arrested.
This wo n’t involve you in any extra work.
The challenging project will involve the team members in problem-solving and decision-making tasks.

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