Tìm kiếm
to emerge
The pattern on the fabric emerged slowly as the dye set in.
With the passing of the storm, stars began to emerge in the night sky.
As the fog lifted, the silhouette of the old castle started to emerge.
xuất hiện, ra khỏi
to come out from a protective covering, like an egg or cocoon
The caterpillar spun a silk cocoon around itself and later emerged as a beautiful butterfly.
The praying mantis nymphs emerged from their egg cases and scattered into the garden.
In the pond, we observed tadpoles undergoing metamorphosis, eagerly waiting for them to emerge as frogs.
xuất hiện, nổi lên
to become apparent after a period of development, transformation, or investigation
Intransitive: to emerge | to emerge as sth
After undergoing a significant transformation, the old neighborhood emerged as a vibrant cultural hub.
After the merger, the company emerged as a dominant force in the industry.
With time, the truth about the situation started to emerge, revealing the complexities of the issue.
nổi lên, xuất hiện
to come forth or become visible after being submerged
The submarine slowly surfaced, allowing its conning tower to emerge from the depths of the ocean.
As the floodwaters receded, the submerged car began to emerge, revealing the extent of the damage.
The lotus flowers emerged gracefully from the surface of the tranquil pond, their petals unfolding in the sunlight.

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