She drew a yellow sun on the corner of the paper.
The banana was yellow and tasted sweet.
The lemonade she made was a pale yellow color, with a refreshing citrus taste.
She was labeled as yellow when she hesitated to speak up against the injustice.
The coach criticized the player for being too yellow to take the final penalty kick.
The soldier 's yellow reaction to the battle made his comrades lose trust in him.
жовтий, сенсаційний
describing writing that is sensational and exaggerated to attract attention
The yellow article exaggerated the details to grab readers' attention.
The news was criticized for its yellow style and lack of real information.
She avoided tabloids known for their yellow reporting.
жовтуватий, жовтий
describing skin that has a yellowish tint, often due to jaundice or other health conditions
His yellow skin was a sign that he might be suffering from jaundice.
The doctor noticed the yellow discoloration of her skin and ordered further tests.
The patient ’s yellow complexion was due to liver issues affecting his health.
a color that is bright and resembles the hue of ripe lemons or the sun
The walls of the room were painted in a cheerful shade of yellow.
The artist used vibrant yellow to highlight the sunny parts of the landscape.
The yellow of the school bus was easy to spot from a distance.
жовтизна, жовта хвороба
a plant disease causing yellowing of leaves and stunted growth, often due to phytoplasmas
The orchard suffered from yellow, with leaves turning yellow and plants stunting.
Yellows spread quickly, affecting the growth of the crops.
He treated the plants to prevent yellow from worsening.
жовтий м'яч, жовтий кулька
a yellow-colored ball or piece used in certain games or sports
He watched in frustration as the cue ball missed the yellow during the championship match.
The yellow was strategically placed near the corner pocket in the final round.
After a tough break, she managed to sink the yellow and gain a crucial advantage.
She separated the yellow from the egg white to make a rich custard.
The recipe required the addition of one yellow to enhance the flavor.
The chef skillfully separated the yellow from the whites for the perfect meringue.
to yellow
жовтіти, ставати жовтим
to become yellow in color
The leaves will yellow as autumn progresses.
The old newspaper started to yellow after being stored for years.
The once-white walls began to yellow from exposure to sunlight.
пожовтіти, пофарбувати в жовтий
to cause something to turn yellow in color
The artist yellowed the canvas to give it a vintage look.
The chemicals in the cleaner yellowed the once-white curtains.
She used a special dye to yellow the fabric for the costume.

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