et, kemik veya sebze suyu
What is "stock"?
Stock is a flavorful liquid made by simmering bones, vegetables, and aromatics in water. It serves as a foundation for soups, stews, sauces, and other culinary preparations, adding depth and richness to dishes. Stock is typically made by slowly simmering ingredients over a long period to extract their flavors, resulting in a savory and aromatic base that enhances the taste of various recipes. It is commonly prepared with ingredients like chicken, beef, or vegetables, and can be used as a versatile ingredient in a wide range of cuisines.
ırk, çeşit
sığır, tarım hayvanları
hisse sermayesi, hisse senetleri
dipçik, kavrama
soy, soydan
stok, rezerv
hisse, senet
sap, kulp
beyaz kravat, stok
ahşap, inşaat malzemesi
yerleşik gövde, stok
stok, karanfil
malcolmia, süs bitkisi
gövde, kalem
itibar, prestij
stoklamak, tedarik etmek
stoklamak, filizlenmek
temin etmek, stoklamak
stoklamak, tedarik etmek
stoklamak, takviye etmek
donatmak, takmak
abartılmış, tükenmiş
standart, yaygın
alışılmış, standart