What is "stock"?
Stock is a flavorful liquid made by simmering bones, vegetables, and aromatics in water. It serves as a foundation for soups, stews, sauces, and other culinary preparations, adding depth and richness to dishes. Stock is typically made by slowly simmering ingredients over a long period to extract their flavors, resulting in a savory and aromatic base that enhances the taste of various recipes. It is commonly prepared with ingredients like chicken, beef, or vegetables, and can be used as a versatile ingredient in a wide range of cuisines.
race, variété
bétail, animaux d'élevage
capital-actions, fonds d'actions
crosse, culasse
souche, descendance
stock, réserve
action, titre de participe
manche, poignée
cravate blanche ornée, stock
matériau, bois de construction
tige épaisse, stock
giroflée, cocarde
gaillet, malcolmie
videau, souche
cote, réputation
stocker, approvisionner
pourvoir, produire
approvisionner, stocker
approvisionner, fournir
repeupler, enrichir
équiper, fixer
bateau, usé
standard, courant
habituel, ordinaire