She shifted into reverse to back out of the parking space.
He struggled to find reverse while trying to parallel park.
When the reverse failed, the mechanic suggested replacing the transmission.
ters, karşıtlık
a relation or condition where two things are in direct opposition or contrast to each other
The reverse of love is often considered hate, showing a stark contrast.
The reverse of success is failure, a familiar concept in the business world.
The reverse of progress is stagnation, which can lead to decline.
reverse, ters oyun
a trick play in American football in which the ball is handed off to a player who runs in the opposite direction from the original runner
The team executed a perfect reverse, catching the defense off guard.
The receiver ran a reverse and gained 20 yards before being tackled.
The defense was caught by the reverse, allowing the running back to break free.
tersine dönme, değişim
a complete change, resulting in a situation that is opposite to the previous one
The fortunes of the team experienced a dramatic reverse in the final minutes of the game.
After the announcement, the company 's stock prices took a sudden reverse.
The policy change led to a significant reverse in the company's growth strategy.
The reverse of the coin showed a symbol of liberty.
She flipped the coin and stared at the reverse, waiting for her answer.
The reverse often carries the national emblem or motto.
The company 's financial troubles became a reverse, stalling its expansion plans.
The sudden illness was a reverse that delayed his career advancements.
A serious reverse in their marketing strategy led to a significant drop in sales.
arka, ters
the other side or face of an object, especially when it contrasts with the one being viewed
The address is printed on the reverse of the flyer.
He turned the paper over to read the reverse.
The reverse of the card has a simple design.
to reverse
geri gitmek, arka geri almak
to cause or maneuver a vehicle to move backward
Transitive: to reverse a vehicle
The driver had to quickly reverse the car to avoid the oncoming traffic.
The worker had to reverse the conveyor belt to clear a jam in the production line.
After landing, the pilot had to reverse the plane to reach the designated parking spot on the tarmac.
tersine çevirmek, aksine döndürmek
to change something such as a process, situation, etc. to be the opposite of what it was before
Transitive: to reverse a process of decision
The new administration decided to reverse the previous government's policy on environmental regulations.
The software update had unintended consequences, forcing the company to reverse the changes.
The school board voted to reverse the decision to eliminate art and music programs.
ters çevirmek, değiştirmek
to turn something the other way round, up, or inside out
Transitive: to reverse sth
Realizing he had worn his shirt inside out, he quickly reversed it before heading to the meeting.
She decided to reverse the pillow to its cooler side for a more comfortable night's sleep.
During the search, airport security asked passengers to reverse their bags for a thorough inspection.
bozmak (kararı)
to alter a previous decision, judgment, etc. to the contrary one
Transitive: to reverse a verdict
Upon appeal, the higher court decided to reverse the judge's ruling.
The regulatory body, acknowledging an oversight, opted to reverse the financial penalty.
After a thorough investigation into doping allegations, the sports organization decided to reverse the suspension of the athlete.
tersine döndürmek, rol değiştirmek
to switch the roles, positions, or functions of two people or things
Transitive: to reverse roles or arrangements
In the second round of the game, the players reversed roles to explore different strategies.
The teacher and student reversed positions to demonstrate the lesson in a new way.
During the rehearsal, the director reversed the actors' roles to test their versatility.
The truck reversed slowly down the narrow alley.
She reversed carefully to avoid hitting the parked car.
The vehicle reversed into the garage with ease.
ters çevirmek, ters işlemek
to create a design or text effect by rendering it in white or a lighter color against a solid or darker background
The designer reversed the text out of a black rectangle for emphasis.
The logo was reversed on the brochure cover to make it stand out.
For clarity, the headline was reversed out of the gradient background.
The reverse motion of the conveyor belt caused a jam in the production line.
The reverse direction of the wind pushed the sailboat backward.
The reverse order of the numbers puzzled the mathematician.
The reverse policy turned the recession into a period of growth.
The reverse reaction of the drug led to increased symptoms instead of relief.
The reverse effect of the campaign actually drove customers away.

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