to want
vilja, önska
to wish to do or have something
Transitive: to want sth | to want to do sth
He wants to go to the beach.
I just want a glass of water for today.
Jane wanted to learn how to play the guitar, so she took lessons.
behöva, ha behov av
to have a need for something
Transitive: to want sth
The car wants regular maintenance to run smoothly.
The recipe wants two cups of flour and one cup of sugar.
This plant wants plenty of sunlight and water to grow.
vill ha, suga efter
to sexually desire someone
Transitive: to want sb
I ca n't stop thinking about you and how much I want you.
I 've been wanting to be with you for so long.
She could n't help but want him as soon as he walked in the room.
vilja, önska
to desire or need someone or something to be in a specific place or doing a certain thing
Complex Transitive: to want sb/sth somewhere | to want sb to do sth
The boss wants you in his office for a meeting.
The chef wants you to taste the sauce and give your opinion.
The coach wants you to practice your moves every day.
efterlysa, söka
(of a suspect) to be searched for by the police for interrogation or questioning
The fugitive is wanted by the police for escaping from prison.
The suspect is wanted for questioning about the assault at the nightclub.
The suspect is wanted for questioning in a hit-and-run accident.
borde, vill
used to advise someone or give suggestions about a certain matter
Transitive: to want to do sth
You want to be careful when crossing the street.
You want to check your email before you leave the house.
You want to double-check the instructions before you start the project.
sakna, brista i
to suffer the lack of something
Transitive: to want for sth
The city wants for more public transportation options.
The desert landscape wants for vegetation and water.
The old car wants for proper maintenance and repairs.
fattigdom, nöd
a state of extreme poverty
önskan, begär
a specific feeling of desire
brist, behov
anything that is necessary but lacking
brist, önskan
the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable

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