houden, bewaren
bewaren, houden
blijven, houden
vertragen, houden
houden, bewaren
bewaren, houden
blijven, bewaardi
onderhouden, voorzien
houden, beheer
beschermen, bewaken
houden, verzorgen
handhaven, volhouden
houden, bewaren
bewaren, bijhouden
donjon, hoofdtoren
What is a "keep"?
A keep is a large, fortified tower that serves as the central stronghold within a castle. Typically built with thick stone walls, a keep is designed to provide a secure refuge during attacks and to house important functions of the castle, such as living quarters for the lord and his family, storage for supplies, and areas for defense. Keeps often feature multiple levels, with the upper floors used for residential purposes and the lower levels serving as storage or secure areas. The design of a keep allows for good visibility of the surrounding landscape, providing defenders with a strategic advantage. In addition to its defensive role, the keep is a symbol of power and authority, representing the lord's control over the land.
cel, gevangenis
onderhoud, verzorging