llevar, portar
llevar, asumir
sostener, llevar
transportar, conducir
mantener, sostener
mantener, incluir
ganar, asegurar el apoyo electoral
llevar, poseer
transmitir, comunicar
contar con, ofrecer
portarse, comportarse
gestar, embarazar
sostener, mantener
aprobar, adoptar
transportar, llevar
llevar a cabo, lograr
sustentar, proporcionar
disparar, lanzar
producir, dar
rastrear, seguir
llevar, transportar
captar, tomar control de
llevar, cargar
llevar, suscitar
poseer, exhibir
llevar, transportar
portar, transmitir
carga, transportar
distancia, lanzamiento
What is a "carry"?
In golf, a carry refers to the distance the ball travels through the air after being hit, before it lands on the ground. It is an important measure of how far a player can hit the ball with a particular club. Carry distance can be influenced by factors such as the club used, the player's swing speed, and the weather conditions, like wind. A good carry means the ball travels the desired distance and lands in a good spot, helping the player reach the green or avoid obstacles.
carga, portación
What is a "carry"?
A carry in football is when a player takes the ball and runs with it, trying to move it forward down the field. The player holds onto the ball while dodging defenders and aiming to gain as many yards as possible. A carry is often done by a running back, but other players can also carry the ball. It is a key part of the game, as it helps the team advance and set up scoring opportunities.