falten, biegen
blättern, umblättern
drehen, wenden
drehen, wenden
umknicken, verdrehen
drehen, wenden
drehen, wenden
gießen, umfüllen
drehen, richtungswechseln
wechseln, drehen
drehen, wenden
abbiegen, kurven
sich richten auf, fokusieren auf
ausrichten, fokussieren
werden, erreichen
erreichen, vergehen
saur werden lassen, verderben
wechseln, verfärben
sauermachen, verderben
verändern, umwandeln
sich verwandeln, wechseln
den Verstand verlieren, verrückt werden
gestalten, formen
formen, gestalten
drehen, bearbeiten
eggen, pflügen
abkanten, umlegen
biegen, kurven
verwirklichen, erreichen
entlassen, freilassen
ablenken, wenden
sich verkaufen, schnell verkauft werden
veräußern, verkaufen
wenden, verändern
wenden, ändern
umschiffen, wenden
ändern, verändern
Wende, Dreh
Kurve, Bieg
eine Wende, eine unerwartete Entwicklung
Wendung, Dreh
Dreh, Wendung
Wendung, Bieg
Spaziergang, Runde
ein Gefallen, eine Wendung
Darstellung, Aufführung
What is a "turn"?
A turn is a specific performance, moment, or segment within a show, often featuring a distinct act or scene presented by a performer or group. It contributes to the overall production by showcasing the talents of the performers and advancing the storyline or theme of the event. Each turn involves a deliberate presentation or display designed to engage the audience and enhance the entertainment value of the performance.
Zug, Chance
What is a "turn"?
A turn refers to the opportunity a player or team gets to play offense. During this time, they are in control of the ball or puck and attempt to score or advance the play. In games like basketball, soccer, or football, a turn usually follows a change in possession, such as after a turnover or a completed play. The team or player on their turn focuses on attacking, strategizing, and trying to create opportunities to score, often until the other team regains possession or the play ends.
Schicht, Arbeitszeit
Runde, Abbiegen
What is the "turn"?
The turn is the fourth community card dealt in poker games like Texas hold 'em and Omaha. It is placed face-up in the center of the table after the betting round following the flop. The turn is important because it gives players more information about the potential strength of their hand, and it leads to a new round of betting. After the turn, the fifth and final community card, called the river, is dealt, followed by the final betting round. Players use the turn along with the other community cards and their hole cards to make the best possible hand.
der Wendepunkt, der Übergang