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забивати, перекривати
засорювати, блокувати
збиратися, захаращуватися
перешкоджати, гальмувати
танцювати клог, виконувати клог
дерев'яні черевики, крокси
What is a "clog"?
A clog is a type of footwear that features a sturdy sole, typically made of wood or rubber, and an open-back design. They often have a closed-toe front and may be made of leather, suede, or other materials. Clogs were traditionally worn by workers in industries such as agriculture, mining, and factory work as they offered protection and support for the feet. Today, clogs have evolved to become a popular fashion item, with various styles and designs available for both men and women. Some clogs feature additional support features such as arch support, cushioning, and adjustable straps, making them comfortable and practical for everyday wear. Overall, clogs offer a unique blend of style, comfort, and functionality that make them a versatile and popular footwear choice.
клог, танець на дерев'яних підошвах
перешкода, перешкода