to give
to hand a thing to a person to look at, use, or keep
Ditransitive: to give sb sth | to give sth to sb
The librarian gave me a book to borrow for my research.
She gave me a key to access the storage room.
The tour guide gave visitors a map to explore the historical site.
to exchange money for a service or product
Transitive: to give a sum of money
He gave a substantial amount to purchase tickets for the concert.
I 'll give the entrance fee for the amusement park when we arrive.
The tourists gave a deposit for the hotel reservation.
ilaç vermek
to administer a remedy or drug
Transitive: to give a medicine
Ditransitive: to give sb a medicine | to give a medicine to sb
The nurse will give the patient a dose of pain medication to alleviate discomfort.
The doctor decided to give antibiotics to treat the bacterial infection.
The veterinarian will give the pet a vaccination to prevent illness.
to provide something for someone
Ditransitive: to give sb sth | to give sth to sb
Transitive: to give sth
The bakery is known for giving free samples of their new pastries.
She gave me a ride to the airport when my car broke down.
The government plans to give financial aid to small businesses.
süre tahmini yapmak
to guess how long something will last
Ditransitive: to give sth an amount of time
The mechanic gave the old car about a year before it would need major repairs.
Despite treatment efforts, the veterinarian gave the elderly dog just a couple of months due to health issues.
With their constant arguments, I give their friendship only a few more weeks.
harcamak (zaman, enerji)
to dedicate energy, time, etc. to something or someone
Ditransitive: to give a task or activity one's time or energy | to give one's time or energy to a task or activity | to give one's time or energy to do sth
The artist gave countless hours to perfecting each detail of the masterpiece.
She decided to give her weekends to volunteering at the local animal shelter.
She gave the project her full attention, ensuring every detail was carefully considered.
puan vermek
to grant a score to someone or something
Ditransitive: to give sb/sth a score or rating
The teacher gave the student's presentation a perfect score.
The movie critic gave the film a five-star rating for its exceptional storytelling.
The chef gave the dish high marks for its exquisite flavor and presentation.
ceza uygulamak
to sentence a person to a certain punishment or penalty
Ditransitive: to give sb a penalty | to give a penalty to sb
Transitive: to give a penalty
The judge had to give a sentence of community service to the first-time offender.
The court decided to give her a fine for the traffic violation.
The school board will give a suspension to students involved in the misconduct.
to produce a specific result, outcome, or product
Transitive: to give a specific outcome
Planting in well-fertilized soil will give healthier and more robust plants.
Skillful craftsmanship gives beautifully crafted furniture.
Consistent watering gives a lush and vibrant garden.
özel bir duygu yaşatmak
to make someone have a specific feeling
Ditransitive: to give sb a sensation
The heartfelt letter she received gave her a sense of warmth and joy.
A brisk morning jog can give you a boost of energy for the day.
The beautiful sunset over the ocean gave them a sense of tranquility.
bulaştırmak (hastalık)
to pass a disease or illness to someone else and cause them to become sick or infected
Ditransitive: to give a disease to sb
The traveler unknowingly gave the virus to fellow passengers on the plane.
The infected person gave the flu to several coworkers by coming to work while contagious.
The outbreak started when one employee gave the virus to multiple colleagues in the office.
[sahte fiil]
(dummy verb) to perform an action that is specified by a noun
Transitive: to give sth
Ditransitive: to give sth sth
The car gave a sudden jerk when it hit a pothole.
He took the guitar and gave it a strum to test the sound.
She gave the engine a kick, hoping it would start.
iletmek, aktarmak
to tell someone something from another person
Ditransitive: to give sb a message | to give a message to sb
I 'll give your message to Tom when I meet him for lunch.
Please give my apologies to Mary if I do n't make it to the party.
Can you give Sarah my regards when you see her next?
ses yapmak
to make a particular sound
Transitive: to give a sound or reaction
Startled by the sudden noise, she gave a scream.
As the baby woke up, he gave a loud cry for attention.
When surprised, he would often give a hearty laugh.
to let someone contact a particular person on the phone
Ditransitive: to give sb to sb
Let me give you to my colleague who can provide more information on that topic.
Please wait a moment, and I will give you to the right department.
Hold the line, and I 'll give you to our expert who can answer your specific questions.
to curve or stretch because of pressure
The spring mattress gives a little under the weight, providing a comfortable sleep surface.
The flexible material of the yoga mat gives slightly, allowing for better traction during exercises.
The flexible branches of the tree give in the strong wind, preventing breakage.
esnek davranmak
to be willing to compromise or adjust one's position by giving up some demands
In negotiations, both parties need to give a little to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.
To resolve the conflict, each side must be willing to give on certain points.
The key to a healthy relationship is the ability of partners to give when needed.
ilan etmek
(of a referee or umpire) to decide if a player or ball is out or offside during a game
Transitive: to give a decision
The referee had to give a quick decision on whether the soccer player was offside.
The chess referee will give a decision on whether the move is legal.
The umpire will give a decision on whether the serve was in or out in a tennis match.
vermek, saymak
(in sports) to declare that a goal has been fairly and legitimately scored
Transitive: to give a goal
The goal judge raised the flag to give the goal, signaling a successful shot into the net.
Despite the protests from the opposing team, the referee was quick to give the goal.
After a video review, the officials decided to give the goal, confirming the player was onside.
vermek, sunmak
to host or organize a party, event, gathering, or similar social occasion
Transitive: to give a social event
As a tradition, the family gives a holiday gathering every Christmas Eve.
We 're planning to give a farewell dinner for our colleague who is leaving the company.
The couple is giving an engagement party to celebrate their upcoming wedding.
vermek, iletişime geçmek
to convey a message, emotion, or signal through a physical gesture, such as with the hand, face, or body
Transitive: to give a message or signal
She gave a nod of approval when she liked the idea.
Joel gave a wink to let me know he was joking.
He gave a shrug, indicating his uncertainty about the decision.
vermek, sunmak
to transfer or offer something, such as a present, donation, or assistance, to someone voluntarily.
Transitive: to give sth
Ditransitive: to give sth to sb | to give sb sth
He decided to give her a beautiful necklace for her birthday.
She always gives thoughtful presents that reflect the recipient's interests.
We gave money to the local animal shelter.
vermek, paylaşmak
to share information or details with someone
Ditransitive: to give sb information or details
Transitive: to give information or details
The witness gave a detailed account of the events leading to the accident.
She gave valuable insights into the market trends during the business meeting.
The tour guide gave us interesting information about the historical landmarks.
vermek, nişanlamak
to formally grant approval for a marriage, typically a father approving his daughter's marriage
Transitive: to give one's daughter
The father proudly gave his daughter in marriage to the man she loved.
The king decided to give his daughter in marriage to the prince of a neighboring kingdom.
It was a joyous occasion when the patriarch agreed to give his granddaughter in marriage.
vermek, atfetmek
to attribute in thought or speech
Transitive: to give credit or recognition
Ditransitive: to give credit or recognition to sb
She would often give credit to her team for the project's success.
Please give praise to those who contributed to the event's organization.
In his speech, the speaker decided to give recognition to the pioneers in the field.
vermek, dayanmak
to suddenly break or move due to pressure or weight
The door finally gave under the force of the strong wind.
The overloaded shelf gave, and books tumbled to the floor.
The ice on the pond gave, creating a crack beneath the skater's weight.
vermek, kendini teslim etmek
to agree to engage in sexual intercourse with someone
Ditransitive: to give oneself to one's partner
He decided to give himself to the woman he loved, marking a significant step in their relationship.
In a gesture of deep affection, she gave herself to her long-time partner.
He respected her boundaries and waited until she felt ready to give herself to him in their romantic journey.
göstermek, sunmak
to behave toward someone in a manner that reflects a specific attitude or feeling
Ditransitive: to give sb an attitude or feeling | to give an attitude or feeling to sb
The employee gives unwavering loyalty to the company, always going above and beyond.
Children often give their parents unconditional love and respect.
In a healthy relationship, partners give each other trust and understanding.
vermek, sunmak
to perform something in a public setting
Transitive: to give a performance or speech
The author will be giving a book reading at the local bookstore next week.
The scientist will be giving a keynote address at the international conference.
The mayor gave a stirring speech at the city's annual Independence Day celebration.
vermek, sağlamak
to provide someone with the permission or opportunity to do something
Ditransitive: to give sb permission or opportunity
The manager gave the team permission to work from home when necessary.
The teacher gave students the opportunity to present their projects in class.
The city council gave approval for the new park to be built in the neighborhood.
vermek, talimat vermek
to provide someone with instructions as to what they should do
Ditransitive: to give sb instructions
The commander gave the troops orders to hold their positions until further notice.
The chef gave the kitchen staff clear directions for preparing the special menu.
The captain gave the crew explicit orders to prepare for adverse weather conditions.
sıkıntı vermek, zor duruma sokmak
to create problems or difficulties for someone
Ditransitive: to give sb problems
The unexpected change in plans gave the team problems in meeting the deadline.
His lack of preparation gave him difficulties during the exam.
Ignoring the warning signs can give you trouble in the long run.
vermek, atamak
to assign someone with a particular job, task, etc.
Ditransitive: to give sb a task
The manager gave each team member a project to complete by the end of the week.
The teacher gave the students a challenging homework assignment to test their understanding.
The supervisor gave the intern the responsibility of organizing the upcoming event.
katkıda bulunmak, sağlamak
to add or improve a specific quality in someone or something
Ditransitive: to give sb/sth a specific quality
His kindness gives his personality an endearing charm.
The vibrant colors of the artwork give the room a lively and energetic atmosphere.
The fresh herbs give the soup a delightful and savory taste.
vermek, tanımak
to allow someone a specified amount of time for a task or obligation
Ditransitive: to give sb an amount of time
The teacher gave the students an extra hour to complete the exam.
Could you give me a moment to gather my thoughts before answering?
The boss gave the team an additional week to finalize the project.
aramak, telefon etmek
to initiate a telephone conversation with someone by making a phone call
Ditransitive: to give sb a call
After the meeting, I 'll give you a call to discuss the project details.
If you have any questions, feel free to give me a ring, and we can chat about it.
Can you give me a buzz later?
takdim etmek, sunmak
to introduce or present a speaker or entertainer
Ditransitive: to give an audience a speaker or entertainer
Ladies and gentlemen, for your enjoyment tonight, I give you the talented singer, Sarah Williams!
To kick off our event, I am pleased to give you our keynote speaker, Professor Johnson.
For the highlight of the evening, I am delighted to give you the renowned magician, David Mystique.
vermek, karar vermek
to deliver a judgment or verdict with authority
Transitive: to give a decision or verdict
After carefully considering the evidence, the jury gave their unanimous verdict.
After a thorough investigation, the committee gave its decision on the matter.
The supervisor will give his judgment on the employee's performance during the review.
teslim olmak, üstün gelmek
to admit defeat or surrender
Faced with overwhelming odds, the general decided to give and avoid further casualties.
The boxer, realizing he could n't continue the fight, raised his hands to give.
In the face of the enemy 's advance, the commander had no choice but to give.
vermek, isim vermek
to assign a name to someone or something
Ditransitive: to give sth a name or title | to give a name or title to sth
She decided to give the new puppy the name " Charlie. "
The teacher asked the students to give titles to their creative writing pieces.
The company chose to give a unique code to each product for better identification.
esneklik, verimlilik
the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length

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