to slick
to make someone's hair flat and shiny using water or oil
He slicked his hair back with gel before heading out for the evening.
She slicked her son ’s hair down with water for the school photo.
The stylist slicked her client ’s hair to give it a sleek, polished look.
kaymak, kaygan hale getirmek
to become slippery, often due to the presence of liquid or moisture
The sidewalk slicked after the heavy rain, making it hard to walk.
As the oil spread, the ground slicked quickly underfoot.
The road slicked as the temperature dropped, creating hazardous driving conditions.
düz, parlak
smooth and shiny, often describing healthy-looking hair, fur, or skin
His slick hair reflected the sunlight as he walked down the street.
The dog 's fur was slick and glossy after a thorough grooming.
She applied serum to her slick skin, giving it a radiant glow.
sinsi, şirin
smooth and insincere in manner, often using charm or flattery to manipulate or deceive
His slick talk made her wary of his true motives.
She found his slick compliments hard to believe.
The politician 's slick promises left many voters skeptical.
The slick ice on the pond made skating effortless but required careful balance.
After the rain, the roads became slick, increasing the risk of accidents.
He had trouble holding onto the slick bottle due to its shiny finish.
The movie was full of slick dialogue, but it did n’t offer any fresh ideas.
The novel ’s slick plot was predictable and forgettable, relying too much on stereotypes.
The commercial was slick, but the message lacked any real substance.
şık, pürüzsüz
having an exceptional quality that impresses with its polished and refined execution
The film was slick, showcasing top-notch cinematography and a gripping storyline.
Their slick marketing strategy effectively captured the target audience's attention.
The athlete's slick moves on the field earned him a spot in the championship team.
yağ tabakası, sızıntı filmi
a dangerous film of oil or liquid that floats on water, posing a threat to the environment
The slick from the tanker spill created a serious threat to marine life and local fishing communities.
Birds were seen struggling in the slick, highlighting the devastating impact of the oil spill.
Efforts to contain the slick were hampered by rough seas and high winds.
şık dergi, kaliteli dergi
a high-quality magazine known for its glossy finish and visually striking design
The new slick caught her attention with its vibrant cover art and intriguing headlines.
He subscribes to several slicks that offer insights into the latest trends and styles.
The editorial team of the slick is renowned for its captivating photography and engaging articles.
slick lastik, düz lastikler
a type of tire designed without treads for maximum grip on smooth, dry surfaces, often used in racing
The driver chose to use slicks for the final lap, hoping to gain an advantage on the dry track.
After the rain stopped, the team quickly switched to slicks for better traction.
He admired the slicks on the race car, knowing they would help achieve faster lap times.
bir dolandırıcı, bir numara yapan
a person who uses charm and cleverness, often in a deceitful way
Everyone warned him about the slick who would promise the world but deliver nothing.
The slick at the party was always surrounded by admirers, though few trusted him.
She realized too late that the slick had taken advantage of her generosity.
taşıma helikopteri, hafif helikopter
a military helicopter that is unarmed and primarily used for transporting troops or light cargo
The slick landed smoothly on the pad, ready to transport the soldiers to their next destination.
During the mission, the slick was crucial for quickly moving supplies to the frontline.
The crew of the slick prepared for takeoff, ensuring all equipment was secured for the flight.
ustaca, şık bir şekilde
in a smooth and efficient manner, often showcasing skill or polish
He handled the negotiation slick, securing a better deal than expected.
She moved slick across the dance floor, impressing everyone with her grace.
The presentation flowed slick, capturing the audience's attention from start to finish.

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