to move up
[phrase form: move]
подняться, продвинуться
to be promoted to a better position or job in life
After years of hard work, she finally moved up to a managerial position in the company.
She has often inspired others to move up by setting ambitious career goals and working towards them.
Employees often aim to move up within a company to enhance their careers.
двигаться вверх
to move to a higher place
The elevator is moving up to the third floor.
The climbers moved up the mountainside all day long.
The firefighters are moving up the ladder to rescue the cat from the tree.
поднять, переместить вверх
to be elevated or moved to a higher place
The crane is moving the heavy crate up to the roof.
The movers moved the furniture up to the third floor.
The plumber will move the pipes up to the attic to avoid freezing during the winter.
перевести на следующий уровень, перевести в более высокий класс
to allow a student to go to a higher level or class within an educational system
Teachers often collaborate to identify students who should be moved up to more challenging coursework to ensure they are continually engaged.
Recognizing their dedication, the principal moved the entire group of high-achieving students up a grade level.
The school board moved up a few exceptional students to the next grade to provide them with a more stimulating academic environment.
перейти на следующий уровень, повышаться в классе
to pass to a higher level or class within an educational system, often based on academic performance or progress
The school 's policy ensures that students who meet the criteria will move up seamlessly to the appropriate grade level.
Students who consistently perform well academically have the opportunity to move up at the end of each school year
After excelling in mathematics, Sarah is moving up to the advanced class next semester.
to reschedule an event or activity to occur at an earlier date or time than originally planned
Please move up your dinner reservation to an earlier time.
The company moved up the deadline for submitting proposals.
Please move the press conference up to the morning to ensure maximum media coverage.
подвинься, передвинься
to move closer to someone or something in order to create more space or make room for others
Please move up a bit
In crowded venues, people often move up to make room for late arrivals or guests.
The passengers moved up to let the elderly woman sit down.

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