circular, rotund
rotund, plin
rotunjit, circular
cerc, friptură rotundă
What is "round"?
The round is a primal cut of meat taken from the rear leg of an animal. It is a large and lean cut, consisting of multiple muscles that are relatively low in fat content. The round is typically divided into three main sections: the top round, bottom round, and eye of round. Each section has its own characteristics and can be used for different culinary purposes. The top round is the most tender portion of the round. The bottom round is slightly tougher but still flavorful and versatile. The eye of round is located within the bottom round and is very lean.
rundă, ciclu
vizita medicală, tur medical
rutina, cerc
tur de golf, joc de golf
rundă, patrulare
cerc, mecanism
bucată transversală, cruce
cântec în cerc, round
aplauze, ovatie
o rundă, o băutură
circuit, ruta
rundă, cerc
cartuș, glonț
ocoli, întoarce
rotunji, a da formă rotundă
rotunji, a da o formă rotundă
a rotunji, a aproxima
rotunji, îndoi
de la început până la sfârșit, pe parcursul
în jurul, în întreaga