rond, cirkelvormig
rond, vol
afgerond, ronde
rond, rond gebraad
What is "round"?
The round is a primal cut of meat taken from the rear leg of an animal. It is a large and lean cut, consisting of multiple muscles that are relatively low in fat content. The round is typically divided into three main sections: the top round, bottom round, and eye of round. Each section has its own characteristics and can be used for different culinary purposes. The top round is the most tender portion of the round. The bottom round is slightly tougher but still flavorful and versatile. The eye of round is located within the bottom round and is very lean.
ronde, round
medische ronde, artsvisite
routine, ronde
golfronde, golfspel
ronde, patrouille
cirkel, mechanisme
kruisstuk, zijkant
ronde, rond
applaus, ovatie
een ronde, een drankje
rondgang, route
ronde, rond
patroon, kogel
omrijden, omheen gaan
afronde, rond maken
afronden, rond maken
afronden, benaderen
afronden, ronddraaien
van begin tot eind, gedurende
rondom, overal in