to cut up
[phrase form: cut]
cortar em pedaços, picar
to slice something into smaller parts
Transitive: to cut up sth
The chef skillfully cut up the vegetables for the stir-fry, ensuring they were uniform in size.
O chef picou os vegetais para o stir-fry, garantindo que estivessem uniformes em tamanho.
The sculptor used a chisel to cut up the block of marble into a beautiful statue.
O escultor usou um cinzel para cortar em pedaços o bloco de mármore e transformá-lo em uma bela estátua.
destruir, devastar
to cause significant harm to someone or something
Transitive: to cut up sth
The hurricane cut up the coastal town, leaving destruction in its wake.
O furacão devastou a cidade costeira, deixando destruição em seu rastro.
The machine malfunctioned and started to cut up the documents before they could be properly reviewed.
A máquina apresentou uma falha e começou a destruir os documentos antes que pudessem ser devidamente revisados.
cortar, editar
to significantly edit something such as a document, paper, etc.
Transitive: to cut up a document or passage
After receiving feedback from beta readers, the author decided to cut up the manuscript to address plot inconsistencies.
The editor suggested cutting up the lengthy introduction to improve the pacing of the novel.
dividir, seccionar
to divide something into clear and separate parts or categories
Transitive: to cut up sth into parts or categories
In the storage room, they decided to cut up the items into different sections based on their use.
The researcher had to cut up the data into distinct categories for a more detailed analysis.
crítica severa, desaprovação contundente
to express strong disapproval in a harsh and critical way
Transitive: to cut up a person or their work
After the controversial decision, the politician was cut up by the media for his perceived lack of transparency.
The film was cut up by critics for its poor plot and lackluster performances.
selecionar, definir
to choose a specific group of horses for a race
Transitive: to cut up sth
The organizers decided to cut up the field for the prestigious race, selecting only the top thoroughbreds.
Os organizadores decidiram selecionar o campo para a prestigiosa corrida, escolhendo apenas os melhores garanhões.
For the local derby, they will cut up the participating horses based on their recent performances.
Para o derby local, eles irão selecionar os cavalos participantes com base em suas performances recentes.
fechar, fintar
to suddenly drive one's vehicle in front of another moving vehicle in a dangerous manner
Transitive: to cut up a moving vehicle
The aggressive driver cut up the car behind without using a turn signal, causing a near collision.
She was startled when a motorcyclist suddenly cut up her car on the highway, narrowly avoiding an accident.
partir o coração, ferir emocionalmente
to cause emotional distress
Transitive: to cut up sb
The heartbreaking news about the accident really cut up the entire community.
A notícia de partir o coração sobre o acidente feriu emocionalmente toda a comunidade.
His insensitive comments during the meeting cut up his colleagues, leaving them feeling hurt and offended.
Seus comentários insensíveis durante a reunião partiram o coração de seus colegas, deixando-os se sentindo feridos e ofendidos.
fazer palhaçada, jogar conversa fora
to playfully and energetically behave in a noisy and silly manner, particularly to make someone laugh
At the office party, John always knows how to cut up and create a lively atmosphere with his jokes and playful behavior.
Na festa do escritório, John sempre sabe como fazer palhaçada e criar uma atmosfera animada com suas piadas e comportamento brincalhão.
The comedian continued to cut up on stage, keeping the audience in stitches with his hilarious improvisation.
O comediante continuou a fazer palhaçada no palco, mantendo o público em gargalhadas com sua hilária improvisação.
desgastar, deteriorar
(of a particular sports field) to get uneven or disturbed, usually because of frequent use or bad weather
After heavy rain, the sports field began to cut up, making it challenging for the soccer players to maintain control of the ball.
Após forte chuva, o campo de esporte começou a se desgastar, tornando difícil para os jogadores de futebol manter o controle da bola.
The horse racing track cut up significantly during the rainy season, affecting the performance of the horses.
A pista de corrida de cavalos se deteriorou significativamente durante a temporada de chuvas, afetando o desempenho dos cavalos.

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