to take off
[phrase form: take]
uitdoen, afdoen
to remove a piece of clothing or accessory from your or another's body
Transitive: to take off clothing or accessory
After a long day at work, I like to take off my high heels.
Before swimming, make sure to take off your jewelry.
It 's getting warm, so I need to take off my sweater.
wegrennen, vluchten
to leave in a sudden manner
When the fire alarm rang, we had to take off from the building immediately.
The hikers decided to take off early in the morning to avoid the heat.
The superhero had to take off in a hurry to respond to the distress call.
opstijgen, vliegen
to leave a surface and begin flying
The airplane is ready to take off from the runway.
Pilots need permission to take off from the airport.
Birds effortlessly take off into the sky with a flap of their wings.
aftrekken, in mindering brengen
to deduct an amount from a total
Transitive: to take off an amount
The cashier had to take off the incorrect charge from the customer's bill.
It 's crucial to take off any unauthorized charges from the financial statement.
It 's common for teachers to take off marks for late submissions of assignments.
plotseling populair worden, snel succesvol worden
to become famous and successful in a sudden and rapid manner
The young musician 's career started to take off after the release of her debut album.
The app began to take off, gaining millions of users within a few months.
The new tech gadget is expected to take off in the market due to its revolutionary features.
afhalen, verwijderen
to remove something from a particular place or position
Transitive: to take off sth
The technician will take off the malfunctioning part and replace it with a new one.
Take off the cover and check the engine for any visible damage.
The doctor instructed the patient to take off their bandage for examination.
vrij nemen, een dag vrij nemen
to be absent from one's job for a specific duration, typically for personal reasons or leisure
Transitive: to take off a day or days
After a busy month, she decided to take a day off to relax.
Can you take Friday off and join us for the weekend getaway?
The employees can take the holidays off to spend time with their families.
nadoen, imiteren
to playfully imitate someone or something
Transitive: to take off sb/sth
Let's plan a skit where we can take the boss off at the office party.
The actor could take off the president's speech in a way that left the audience in stitches.
She could take off the teacher's mannerisms so accurately that the whole class burst into laughter.
ernstige gevolgen hebben, serieus effect hebben
to have serious consequences
Failing to address environmental concerns can take off and harm ecosystems in the long run.
Ignoring warning signs can take off and lead to accidents in the workplace.
Mixing certain medications can take off and lead to harmful side effects.
starten, beginnen
to begin an activity, process, event, etc., often with the intention of quickly making progress
Transitive: to take off an activity or process
Let's take the event off with an impressive opening ceremony to captivate the audience.
The community project aims to take off with strong support from local volunteers.
The new business idea is ready to take off, with investors eagerly awaiting its launch.
afbouwen, stoppen met
to discontinue a particular medication, treatment, or dietary regimen that was previously prescribed
Transitive: to take off medication or treatment
It 's crucial to follow your doctor 's instructions when taking off any prescribed medication.
The decision to take off a certain dietary restriction should be made in consultation with a nutritionist.
He was instructed to take the painkillers off as soon as the pain subsided.
afschaffen, stoppen met
to end or discontinue a TV show, performances, or public service
Transitive: to take off a TV show or performances
Due to low viewership, the network decided to take off the reality TV show after its current season.
The airline announced plans to take off several flights from its schedule due to decreased demand.
The theater had to take off the musical production earlier than planned due to unforeseen circumstances.
afnemen, wegnemen
to cut or remove a part of someone's or something's body
Transitive: to take off a body part
Due to a minor injury, the doctor had to take off a small piece of tissue for further examination.
The accident almost took off his finger.
The surgeon had to take off a portion of the patient's leg to stop the infection from spreading.
afknippen, afscheren
to trim hair, fur, etc., often for styling purposes
Transitive: to take off hair or fur
The hairstylist offered to take off a few inches of her hair to give it a fresh look.
The groomer gently took off the excess fur from the dog's paws during the grooming session.
The barber asked if he could take off a few inches from the client's hair to create a shorter style.