열쇠, 키
키, 버튼
건반, 키
What is a "key"?
A key is a component of a musical instrument, such as a piano or wind instrument, that is pressed or activated to produce a sound. On a piano, keys are the individual levers that are pressed to strike the strings inside, creating notes. On wind instruments, keys are levers or buttons that open and close holes to change the pitch of the notes produced. The design and function of keys vary depending on the instrument, but they are essential for playing melodies and harmonies.
열쇠, 핵심 요소
음색, 음조
What is "key"?
In music, the term "key" refers to the group of notes and chords that form the basis of a musical piece. A key is defined by a specific starting note, called the tonic, and includes a set of related notes that are used to create melodies and harmonies. For example, the key of C-major starts on the note C and uses a set of notes that are based on the C-major scale. The key helps to establish the overall mood and tonal center of the music, guiding how the notes and chords interact to create a cohesive sound.
열쇠, 고리
아치 키, 아치의 핵심
열쇠, 접근 키
열쇠, 답안
키, 존
열쇠, 1킬로그램의 마약
식별하다, 분류하다
조화시키다, 조정하다
조정하다, 음조를 조정하다
스크래치하다, 긁다
열쇠를 주다, 열쇠로 제공하다
입력하다, 타자하다