しずく (shizuku), 滴 (teki)
flowing in drops; the formation and falling of drops of liquid
What is a "dribble"?
A dribble is the act of a player controlling and moving the ball with small, quick touches while running in sports like basketball or soccer. It allows the player to keep possession of the ball while advancing toward the goal or setting up a play. In basketball, dribbling is done by bouncing the ball on the floor with one hand, while in soccer, it involves using the feet to guide the ball. Dribbling is a key skill for maintaining control and navigating around opponents.
よだれ, よだれが垂れる
saliva spilling from the mouth
to dribble
滴る(したたる), 小出しに流れる(こだしにながれる)
to flow slowly, often in small drops or an uneven stream
Intransitive: to dribble somewhere
Rain dribbled down the windowpane, creating small streaks of water.
Tears dribbled down her cheeks as she listened to the heartbreaking story.
Paint dribbled from the brush onto the canvas, creating abstract patterns.
滴らせる (したたらせる), 少しずつ注ぐ (すこしずつそそぐ)
to pour a liquid slowly in small drops or a thin stream
Transitive: to dribble a liquid somewhere
She dribbled honey onto the toast, carefully avoiding a mess.
The chef dribbled olive oil over the salad for extra flavor.
The bartender dribbled a few drops of bitters into the cocktail.
よだれを垂らす, ヨダレを垂らす
to let saliva fall or run from the mouth
He could n’t stop dribbling during his nap, leaving a wet spot on his pillow.
She noticed that her dog dribbled at the sight of his favorite treat.
The old man dribbled slightly while talking to his friend.
ドリブルする, ボールをトリックする
to move a ball forward by tapping it lightly, either with your feet, stick, or by bouncing it
Transitive: to dribble a ball
He dribbled the soccer ball past several defenders to set up a goal.
She skillfully dribbled the basketball around her opponents.
The player dribbled the field hockey ball down the sideline to make a cross.