to smear
塗りつける(ぬりつける), 塗る(ぬる)
to spread a substance over a surface in a messy or uneven manner
Transitive: to smear a substance across a surface | to smear a substance on a surface
She accidentally smeared ink across the page, leaving a messy blot.
He smeared grease on the gears to keep them running smoothly.
The child smeared paint on the wall, creating abstract patterns.
中傷する, 名誉毀損する
to tarnish someone's reputation with unfounded or malicious claims
Transitive: to smear a person or their reputation
The tabloid newspaper attempted to smear the politician's reputation with baseless allegations of corruption.
His former colleagues attempted to smear his reputation in the industry.
Online trolls attempted to smear the celebrity by spreading rumors and fabricated stories on social media.
塗る (ぬる), 汚す (よごす)
to spread a dirty or unclean substance over a surface, resulting in a stain or discoloration
Transitive: to smear a surface | to smear a surface with a dirty substance
The children 's hands were smeared with colorful markers after a day of crafting and drawing.
The mechanic 's hands were smeared with engine grease after working on the car.
The mud from the garden smeared the carpet, leaving dark stains on the fibers.
スミアする, フリクションを使う
(climbing) to use the friction of one's shoe against the rock surface to gain traction and support
He had to smear on the smooth rock face to find purchase.
The climber relied on precise foot placements to smear effectively.
She struggled to smear on the slick limestone cliff during the rain.
中傷(ちゅうしょう), 侮辱(ぶじょく)
an act that brings discredit to the person who does it
汚れ(よごれ), しみ
a blemish made by dirt
スミア, スライド標本
a thin tissue or blood sample spread on a glass slide and stained for cytologic examination and diagnosis under a microscope
中傷(ちゅうしょう), 汚名(おめい)
slanderous defamation