scattare, chiudere di colpo
afferrare, catturare
scattare, frusciare
passare, mettere in gioco
sbattere, chiudere in modo brusco
scattare, spezzare
scattare una foto, fare una foto
affondare, schioccare
scoppiare, saltare
chiusura a scatto, snap
What is a "snap"?
A snap is a type of fastener used in clothing that consists of two interlocking discs that are attached to either side of a garment. One disc has a small protrusion, while the other has a small indentation that the protrusion fits into. The discs snap together when pressure is applied and can be released by pulling them apart. Snaps are often used in place of buttons or zippers and can be found on items such as jackets, shirts, and pants. They are usually made of metal or plastic and come in a variety of sizes and colors.
biscotto di zenzero, biscotto croccante
fagiolino, fagiolo verde
cattura, afferrazione
snappare, passaggio
un gioco da ragazzi, una passeggiata
schiocco delle dita, snap
istantanea, foto veloce
elasticità, ritorno
scatto, colpo
rottura, frattura
schiocco, snap
ondata di freddo, freddo improvviso
snap, gioco di carte 'snap'
What is "snap"?
Snap is a fast-paced card game that has been popular for many years, especially among children, with roots tracing back to the 19th century in Europe. It is usually played by two or more players using a standard deck of cards. The goal is to be the first to call "snap" when two cards of the same rank are placed on the pile. Players take turns placing cards face-up in the center, and when two matching cards appear, anyone can shout "snap" to win the pile. The game continues until one player collects all the cards, or until players decide to end the game. Snap is simple, quick, and requires good observation skills.