monter, s'installer sur
monter, gravir
monter, préparer
monter, fixer
monter, s'accoupler
monter, présenter
monture, cheval de selle
What is a "mount"?
A mount refers to a horse that a rider has chosen to ride or has been assigned to ride. A mount can vary in size, breed, and temperament, and the rider must choose a suitable mount for the activity or purpose. A good mount is one that is well-trained, responsive to the rider's cues, and comfortable to ride for long periods. The mount should have the appropriate gait for the task at hand, whether it is a smooth trot for a leisurely ride or a brisk canter for a race or competition. The rider's safety and success often depend on the quality of their mount, making it important to choose a suitable horse for the occasion.
montagne, mont
escalade, montée
renfort, monture
monture, support