to fix
تعمیر کردن, درست کردن
to repair something that is broken
Transitive: to fix a damaged object
He regularly fixes his bicycle when it has issues.
She always fixes the leaking faucet in the kitchen.
Yesterday, he fixed the broken window in the living room.
to cook or prepare a meal
Transitive: to fix a meal
I 'm going to fix dinner for the family tonight.
She fixed a delicious breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon.
Let 's fix some sandwiches for lunch before we head out.
مرتب کردن, درست کردن
(of hair, makeup, or outfit) to rearrange in order to look nice and tidy
Transitive: to fix one's appearance
She quickly fixed her hair in a neat bun before heading to the office.
After the windy walk, she had to fix her disheveled hair in front of a mirror.
He asked his friend to fix his tie and straighten his collar for a more polished appearance.
محکم کردن
to cause to be firmly fastened or secured
Transitive: to fix sth | to fix sth to sth
He used screws to fix the shelves to the wall.
Make sure to fix the picture frame securely to the nail.
The carpenter fixed the loose floorboard with nails.
مشخص کردن
to establish or determine definitely
Transitive: to fix a plan or decision
We need to fix a date for the meeting so everyone can plan accordingly.
The committee will meet tomorrow to fix the budget for the upcoming project.
They need to fix the schedule for the conference to avoid any conflicts.
تلافی کردن, انتقام گرفتن
to take revenge or get even with someone
Transitive: to fix an offender
He vowed to fix those who had betrayed him and caused him harm.
She planned to fix her ex-partner for cheating on her by exposing their secrets.
The gang members sought to fix their rivals for encroaching on their territory.
حفظ کردن (برای مطالعه میکروسکوپی)
to employ chemical solutions or agents to halt biological activity, preserve, and solidify tissue
Transitive: to fix biological matter
The tissue samples were fixed in formalin to prevent decay and maintain their cellular structure.
The researcher carefully fixed the brain tissue to analyze its cellular composition.
After collection, the specimens were immediately fixed in a solution for further examination.
عقیم کردن
to make infertile or render incapable of reproduction
Transitive: to fix an animal
The veterinarian recommended fixing the cat to prevent unwanted litters.
The dog owner decided to fix their male dog to control breeding and population.
The animal shelter offers low-cost services to fix stray animals and reduce overpopulation.
آماده کردن
to prepare or arrange something to ensure it is ready and suitable for a specific event or purpose
Transitive: to fix sth
She fixed the guest room with fresh sheets and towels for her visiting relatives.
The chef fixed the kitchen with all the necessary ingredients and utensils for the cooking class.
The production team fixed the set with props and lighting equipment for the theater performance.
دست بردن, تغییر دادن
to manipulate or influence a situation to ensure a desired result, often through dishonest or unlawful actions
Transitive: to fix a result
The referee was accused of being bribed to fix the outcome of the championship match.
The politician was caught trying to fix the election by manipulating voter registrations.
The bookmaker was arrested for conspiring to fix the results of multiple horse races.
چاره, راهحل
an easy or temporary way to solve a problem or correct an error
مخمصه, دردسر
a serious problem or difficult situation
They found themselves in a fix when the car broke down in the middle of nowhere.
She realized she was in a fix after missing the deadline for the project.
The company was in a financial fix and needed a bailout.
وضعیت دشوار
informal terms for a difficult situation
مجدد راه انداختن
the act of putting something in working order again
an exemption granted after influence (e.g., money) is brought to bear

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