British pronunciation/flˈæt/
American pronunciation/ˈfɫæt/

Ορισμός και Σημασία του "flat"


ισχυρός, λεία

(of a surface) continuing in a straight line with no raised or low parts
flat definition and meaning
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She spread the dough on the baking sheet, making it flat and even.
The artist painted a flat horizon with a beautiful sunset.
The landscape was mostly flat with no hills or mountains in sight.

βαρύς, φαλσέτος

(of a musical note) being a semitone lower than the note mentioned
flat definition and meaning

χωρίς φυσαλίδες, μαλακός

(of a fizzy drink) not having bubbles anymore
flat definition and meaning

What is "flat"?

Flat is a term used to describe a type of drink that has lost its effervescence or carbonation. This can occur over time as a result of exposure to air, or as a result of being shaken or stirred, causing the carbon dioxide to escape from the liquid. Flat drinks can include sodas, sparkling water, and certain types of beer, and are often less enjoyable than their fizzy counterparts due to their lack of bubbles and fizziness. Flat drinks can also have a less appealing taste and mouthfeel, as the carbonation can play a role in enhancing the flavor and texture of the drink. While flat drinks can still be consumed, they may be less satisfying and enjoyable than their carbonated counterparts. To prevent drinks from going flat, they should be stored in airtight containers and consumed promptly after opening.


άγευστος, χωρίς γεύση

lacking any notable taste or flavor
flat definition and meaning
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Despite the elaborate presentation, the dessert was flat and did n’t live up to its visual appeal.
The soup turned out flat, with none of the spices needed to make it enjoyable.
The flat flavor of the iced tea made it a poor choice for a refreshing drink.

άδειος (μπαταρία), χωρίς φόρτιση (μπαταρία)

(of a battery) having no charge left
flat definition and meaning
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My phone ’s battery is completely flat; I need to charge it.
The car would n’t start because the battery was flat.
Her smartwatch died because the battery went flat overnight.

επίπεδος , ομαλός

having a relatively broad surface in relation to depth or thickness

εκτενής, ισιώνοντας

stretched out and lying at full length along the ground

κατηγορηματικός, απόλυτος

complete or definite

επίπεδος, ομοιόμορφος

lacking contrast or shading between tones

ματ, άγριο

not reflecting light; not glossy

οριζόντιος, ή Level

horizontally level

εμπορικά ανενεργός, χαμηλής κίνησης

commercially inactive

πλατεῖος, επίπεδος

lacking the expected range or depth; not designed to give an illusion or depth

πλατύς, ισιός

flattened laterally along the whole length (e.g., certain leafstalks or flatfishes)

μακρύς, ισιωμένος

sounded or spoken in a tone unvarying in pitch

ιερός, αδιάφορος

dull and uninspiring
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The plot of the movie was flat, failing to engage the audience with any surprises or depth.
Her presentation was flat, missing the dynamic elements that could have captured the crowd ’s interest.
The flat design of the room left it feeling lifeless and uninviting.

σταθερός, αμετάβλητος

fixed and unchanging, not varying based on conditions or usage
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The lawyer charges a flat fee for consultations.
Employees receive a flat wage regardless of how many hours they work.
The company offers a flat price for all their products during the sale.

διαμέρισμα, ενοικίαση

a place with a few rooms in which people live, normally part of a building with other such places on each floor
flat definition and meaning
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She decided to rent a flat in the city center to be closer to her job and local amenities.
The flat has a beautiful view of the park and plenty of natural light streaming through the windows.
He is looking for a flat with two bedrooms, as he plans to have a roommate next year.

λάστιχο, φούσκα

a deflated pneumatic tire
flat definition and meaning

υποδιαστολή, κατωμαθήμα

a musical symbol indicating a pitch that is one half step lower than the note indicated
flat definition and meaning

What is a "flat"?

A flat is a musical symbol that lowers the pitch of a note by one half step, or one semitone. It is represented by the symbol "♭", which resembles a lowercase "b" with a vertical line. For example, if a note is D, placing a flat in front of it changes it to D♭, which is slightly lower in pitch. Flats are used to adjust the pitch of notes in music, helping to create specific tonal effects and fit within different musical keys and scales.


παπούτσια χωρίς τακούνι, φλατ παπούτσια

shoe that has very low heel or no heels at all
flat definition and meaning
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She wore flats to the office for a comfortable yet professional look.
Flats are a great alternative to high heels for long walks.
Her collection includes flats in various colors and designs.

γήπεδο, έδαφος

a level tract of land

παγίδα, κατσαρόλα φυτεύσεων

a shallow box in which seedlings are started

σκηνικό πλαίσιο, σκηνική κατασκευή

scenery made of a wooden frame covered with painted canvas, used as part of a stage setting

What is a "flat"?

A flat is a piece of stage scenery used in theater to create walls or backdrops. It is typically a large, flat panel made of lightweight materials such as wood or fabric, and is often covered with painted or printed designs to simulate various surfaces or settings. Flats are arranged on stage to build the environment for a scene and can be easily moved or repositioned as needed during a performance.


πλατφόρμα, φορτηγό χωρίς πλευρές ή οροφή

freight car without permanent sides or roof

κατευθείαν, ανοιχτά

in a forthright manner; candidly or frankly

φλατ, ίσιον

with flat sails

έτσι, μαζί

completely or absolutely, often used for emphasis
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She flat refused to attend the meeting.
The car engine flat stopped in the middle of the road.
His explanation flat failed to convince the audience.
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