to execute
to kill someone intentionally and in a premeditated fashion
In a crime of passion, the jealous spouse hired a hitman to execute their partner and their lover.
The crime syndicate decided to execute their rival gang member as part of a turf war over control of the territory.
The dictator ordered his security forces to execute political dissidents who posed a threat to his regime.
In some criminal organizations, members are ordered to execute individuals who betray or jeopardize the group's interests.
The notorious criminal organization had a list of enemies they wanted to execute as a means of retaliation.
The condemned criminal was executed by lethal injection after exhausting all appeals.
International human rights organizations often condemn governments that execute individuals without fair trials or proper legal representation.
Despite international outcry, the government proceeded to execute the political dissident, sparking widespread protests.
The controversial practice of executing prisoners by firing squad has been abolished in many places due to ethical concerns.
In some countries, individuals convicted of certain crimes may face the death penalty, and the government may choose to execute them.
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