to bend an object into a particular shape, such as wire, cloth, etc.
to injure a joint, particularly one's ankle or wrist by turning it in an awkward way
to contort or turn one's body in a sinuous or squirming manner, often with rapid or irregular movements
to rotate or turn one's body in a way that creates a misalignment between the upper and lower halves
to coil or turn an object, often creating a spiral pattern
to manipulate or alter the interpretation of words or information in a way that changes their intended meaning
to perform a dance style characterized by rhythmic twisting movements of the hips and body
to follow a path that curves, turns, or meanders
the act of rotating rapidly
a curved or spiral shape created by bending or turning something
any clever maneuver
an interpretation of a text or action
with full force
a lively dance known for its swiveling hip movements and twisting motions, often performed to rock and roll music
What is the "twist"?
The twist is a lively dance style that became popular in the 1960s. It features a simple, twisting motion of the hips and feet, with dancers moving their hips side to side while keeping their upper body relatively still. The dance involves a repetitive, rhythmic movement that is easy to follow and often performed to upbeat rock and roll music. The twist is known for its energetic and fun character, making it a popular choice for social gatherings and dance parties.
turning or twisting around (in place)
the act of winding or twisting
a hairdo formed by braiding or twisting the hair
a miniature whirlpool or whirlwind resulting when the current of a fluid doubles back on itself
a jerky pulling movement
a sharp bend in a line produced when a line having a loop is pulled tight
a sharp strain on muscles or ligaments