to bear
忍受, 容忍
to allow the presence of an unpleasant person, thing, or situation without complaining or giving up
Transitive: to bear an unpleasant situation
She had to bear the presence of her annoying coworker throughout the project.
We must learn to bear the hardships of life with resilience and patience.
It 's challenging to bear the constant noise from the construction site next door.
携带, 支撑
to move or transport a weight by providing physical support
Transitive: to bear sth
She carefully bore the fragile vase in her hands, making sure not to drop it.
The construction workers had to bear the beams and columns to assemble the framework of the new building.
The mother gently bore her sleeping child in her arms as she walked through the house.
拥有, 承载
to have or possess something within a specified space or container
Transitive: to bear sth
The treasure chest was said to bear untold riches.
The library 's shelves bear a vast collection of books from various genres.
The backpack can bear all the necessary supplies for our hiking trip.
承担, 承担责任
to have or carry something, particularly a responsibility
Transitive: to bear a burden or responsibility
As the CEO of the company, he has to bear the responsibility for its financial performance.
She was determined to bear the weight of her family's financial needs after her father's retirement.
The president must bear the duty of representing the nation on the global stage.
生育, 分娩
to bring forth or give birth to a living being, such as a human or animal offspring
Transitive: to bear a child
The midwife helped the mother bear her child in a safe and comfortable environment.
She chose to bear her children at home with the assistance of a skilled doula.
The doctor decided to induce labor to bear the premature baby.
生产, 结出
to yield or produce, especially in reference to fruit or flowers
Transitive: to bear fruits or flowers
The apple tree in the backyard is expected to bear a bountiful harvest of crisp apples this fall.
Careful pruning and watering can encourage a rose bush to bear vibrant and fragrant blooms.
The well-tended garden is likely to bear a variety of vegetables throughout the growing season.
佩戴, 展示
to visibly adorn or equip with flags or symbols of rank, office, etc.
Transitive: to bear a symbol or insignia
The soldier proudly bore the insignia of his rank on his uniform during the military ceremony.
Police officers typically bear their badges as a symbol of authority and identification.
During the parade, the honor guard bore the national flag with precision and pride.
怀孕, 承载胎儿
to be pregnant and carry developing offspring within the womb
Transitive: to bear offspring
It was evident that the cat was bearing a litter of kittens.
The nature reserve played a crucial role in providing a safe environment for various species to bear their young.
The medical tests confirmed that she was bearing twins.
承载, 拥有
to rightfully hold or possess rights, titles, positions, etc.
Transitive: to bear a right or title
After years of hard work, she was finally able to bear the title of CEO in the company.
The eldest son was expected to bear the family name, carrying on the legacy for future generations.
The academic achievement allowed him to bear the honor of being the valedictorian of his graduating class.
举止, 表现
to behave or presents oneself in a specific way
Transitive: to bear oneself in a specific manner
Even under pressure, she managed to bear herself with grace and professionalism.
In times of adversity, he always bears himself with resilience and a positive attitude.
During the negotiations, it 's essential to bear yourself confidently while maintaining a cooperative approach.
He silently bore feelings of resentment toward his friend, though he never showed it.
Despite her outward composure, she bore deep sorrow in her heart.
She bore a grudge against her colleague after the heated argument.
What is a "bear"?
Bears are large, powerful mammals with shaggy fur and a distinctive snout. They have a reputation for being fierce and dangerous, but they are also known for their intelligence and strength. There are several species of bears, including the grizzly, black bear, and polar bear, each with their own unique characteristics and habitats. Bears are omnivorous, meaning they eat both meat and plants, and they have a keen sense of smell which they use to locate food. They are also skilled climbers and swimmers, and are able to adapt to a wide range of environments, from dense forests to arctic tundras.
A bear has a thick fur coat to keep warm in cold weather.
I was really scared when I encountered a bear in the wilderness.
The bear is a symbol of strength and courage in many cultures.
熊, 空头卖家
someone who sells financial instruments expecting that their prices will fall, allowing them to repurchase them later at a lower price and make a profit
As a seasoned bear, he often profited from falling commodity prices.
The bears in the stock market remained cautious as economic uncertainties grew.
Many bears thrive in bear markets by short-selling stocks.