Tìm kiếm
to ruin
hủy hoại, phá hủy
to cause severe damage or harm to something, usually in a way that is beyond repair
Transitive: to ruin sth
The flood had the power to ruin the foundation of the house.
The economic downturn threatened to ruin many businesses.
Reckless actions can easily ruin relationships.
phá huỷ, hủy hoại
to fall into a state of destruction or severe decline
The old mansion has slowly begun to ruin over the years, with parts of the roof collapsing.
After the flood, the town was left to ruin, with many buildings left abandoned.
The abandoned factory has begun to ruin, with rust and decay spreading everywhere.
tàn phá, làm mất danh dự
to take away a woman’s chastity, often leading to a loss of honor or social reputation in traditional contexts
Transitive: to ruin a woman
In the old tales, the knight vowed to protect her from those who sought to ruin her.
His deceitful charm ruined her, leaving her reputation in shambles.
The gossip hinted that she had been ruined by a man of ill repute.
phá hủy, hủy hoại
to cause someone or something to become impoverished
Transitive: to ruin sb
The economic crisis ruined many families, leaving them struggling to survive.
His gambling addiction gradually ruined him, wiping out his savings.
The failed business venture ruined them financially, forcing them into debt.
phá hủy, hủy hoại
to cause something to become less favorable, often by damaging or destroying its quality or value
Transitive: to ruin sth
Poor management decisions can ruin a company's reputation.
The constant delays and miscommunications began to ruin the project.
A single bad review had the potential to ruin the restaurant's business.
tàn tích, di sản
(plural) the remains of something such as a building after it has been seriously damaged or destroyed
They explored the ruins of an old castle during their trip.
The ancient ruins attracted many tourists each year.
The archaeologists worked to preserve the historical ruins.
tàn tích, hủy diệt
an irrecoverable state of devastation and destruction
tàn phá, hủy hoại
destruction achieved by causing something to be wrecked or ruined
độ ẩm, bẩn
moisten or soil
hủy hoại, tàn phá
an event that results in destruction
sự sụp đổ, sự hủy hoại
failure that results in a loss of position or reputation
tàn tích, sự suy sụp
the process of becoming dilapidated