to subscribe
підписуватися, оформляти підписку
to pay some money in advance to use or receive something regularly
Intransitive: to subscribe to a service
підписатися, зареєструватися
to voluntarily sign up or register for a service or regular updates, indicating the desire to receive ongoing content or notifications from a specific source
Intransitive: to subscribe to an online service or platform
підписатися, зобов'язатися купувати
to commit to purchasing shares in a company, typically during an initial offering or investment round
Intransitive: to subscribe to shares of a company
підписати, схвалити
to sign a document, such as a will or contract, indicating agreement or authorization
Transitive: to subscribe a document
підписатися, схвалити
to approve, endorse, or give consent to an idea or belief
Intransitive: to subscribe to an idea or belief
підписатися, жертвувати
to pledge or commit to donate a specific amount of money to a fund or cause, often on a recurring basis
Intransitive: to subscribe to a fund or charity
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