a pune, a așeza
a stabili, a plasa
a planta, a semăna
formata, configura
monta, plasa
seta, ajusta
a pune masa, a pregăti masa
stabili, defini
apune, coborî
a pune, a stabili
a se întări, a se solidifica
realinia, a pune la loc
a pune, a determina
fixa, modela
a se uni, a se vindeca
a stabili, a fixa
stabili, fixa
stabili, atribui
formula, stabili
a rodi, a produce fructe
a se forma, a se dezvolta
stabili, defini
a influența puternic, a avea un impact notabil asupra
a fixa, a adopta o expresie
stabili, a face să arate
a se opri, a indica
ascuți, rugine
îngropa, înșuruba
a dansa sincronizat, a executa mișcări sincronizate
a se îndrepta, a se mișca
a se așeza, a se poziționa
bloca, a face set
ornamenta, decorează
a elibera, a lansa
grup, asociație
set, serie
set, ansamblu
scenă, decor
What is a "set"?
A set is the arrangement of scenery, props, and other elements on a stage or location where a play, film, or television show is produced. It includes all the visual components that create the environment for the performance or scene, such as backdrops, furniture, and decorations. The set helps to establish the setting and atmosphere, making the story more immersive and believable.
receptor, televizor
pregătire, dispoziție
inclinație, tendință
apus, descentă
set, grup
Set, Seth
întărire, solidificare
set, joc
set, repertoriu
What is a "set"?
A set is a collection of songs or pieces that an artist or band performs during a single live performance or concert. It typically consists of a planned sequence of music chosen to provide a cohesive and engaging experience for the audience. A set may include a mix of popular hits, new material, and sometimes covers or medleys.
set, întreagă
What is a "set"?
In card games, a set refers to a group of cards that are collected or played together based on specific rules. A set typically consists of cards that share a common feature, such as having the same rank or belonging to the same suit. For example, in some games, a set might be three or four cards of the same rank, like three kings or four sevens. In other games, a set can refer to a sequence of cards in a particular suit. The meaning of a set depends on the rules of the specific card game being played.
set, joc
setare, pase
pregătit, gata
fixat, nemişcat
situat, plasat
stabilit, definit
apune, scăzând
solidificat, întărit
stabilit, fixat