a arunca, a lansa
oscila, swing
a se prăbuși brusc, a se înclina brusc
regla, afina
regla, stabili
a declara, a anunța
instala, poziționa
a arunca, a lovi înalt
a arunca, pitch-ui
înclina, întoarce
promova, oferta
aruncare, pitch
teren, suprafață
înălțime, ton
What is "pitch"?
Pitch refers to the degree of highness or lowness of a sound, which is determined by the frequency of the sound waves that produce it. Higher frequencies result in higher pitches, while lower frequencies produce lower pitches. For example, a whistle has a high pitch due to its rapid vibrations, whereas a bass drum produces a low pitch because of slower vibrations. Pitch plays a crucial role in music and language, as it helps convey meaning, emotion, and musical notes, contributing to the overall experience of sound.
înclinație, panta
argument, prezentare
loc de vânzare, stand de vânzare
aruncare, sprijin
lovitură de apropriere, pitch
înclinare, oscilație
bitum, smalț
înălțime, ton
What is "pitch"?
Pitch refers to how high or low a musical note sounds. It is determined by the frequency of the sound waves produced; higher frequencies result in higher pitches, while lower frequencies produce lower pitches. Pitch is what allows musicians to differentiate between notes and create melodies, harmonies, and chords. It is usually indicated by the note's position on the staff and its relationship to other notes.
Joc de cărți, Pitch (joc de cărți)
What is "Pitch"?
Pitch is a trick-taking card game typically played by two to four players, often in teams of two. The game is played with a standard 52-card deck, and the goal is to score points by winning tricks and making certain card combinations. The game begins with a bidding phase where players decide how many points they think their team can win, with the highest bidder determining the trump suit. Players take turns playing one card at a time, with the highest card in the trump suit or leading suit winning the trick. Points can be earned for winning specific cards, such as the highest card in the trump suit or a Jack, and additional points can be earned through certain combinations.