beheersen, remmen
stoppen, zich inhouden
beheersen, temmen
controleren, na kijken
controleren, kijken
controleren, navragen
controleren, nazien
aftekenen, markeren
afgeven, inchecken
inchecken, afgeven
inchecken, controleren
controleren, bekijken
controleren, bevestigen
schaakzetten, onder druk zetten
passen, doorgeven
blokkeren, tegenhouden
stoppen, afremmen
stoppen, controleren
prooi veranderen, de prooi opgeven
ontspannen, beveiligen
barsten veroorzaken, scheuren produceren
barsten, scheuren
controleren, ruitvormig maken
cheque, betaalbon
schaak, schakel
ruitpatroon, blokpatroon
What is "check"?
Check is a pattern made up of intersecting lines, usually of different colors or shades, forming squares or rectangles of various sizes. Checks come in many different styles and variations, including gingham, plaid, houndstooth, and windowpane. They are commonly used in clothing and textiles, including shirts, dresses, skirts, suits, and blankets. The size and color of the checks can vary greatly, ranging from small and subtle to bold and eye-catching. Check patterns are often associated with different fashion styles and time periods, such as preppy, country, and punk. They can be used to create a variety of visual effects, including adding depth and texture to a garment or creating a bold, graphic statement.
de rekening, de bon
controle, controle
controle, verificatie
pauze, onderbreking
beperking, controle
check, blokkade
merk, teken
controle, verificatie
vinkje, check
Oké, In orde