skor, nilai
nilai, skor
partitur, naskah musik
What is a "score"?
A score is a written or printed version of a musical composition that shows all the parts or voices arranged on separate staffs. It provides a comprehensive view of the entire piece, allowing musicians and conductors to see how different parts of the music fit together. Scores include details such as notes, rhythms, dynamics, and articulations, and are used for rehearsals and performances to ensure that all parts of the composition are played correctly and cohesively.
skor, musik film
dua puluh, skor
laporan, keadaan
dasar, alasan
skor, poin
sebuah pencapaian, sebuah kesuksesan
rasa sakit hati, dendam
tanda, goresan
tagihan, rekening
mencetak, mendapatkan
menggores, memotong
memberi skor, menghargai
mendapatkan, menilai
menggaet, memikat
mengarang, menulis musik
mendapatkan, meraih