pont, gól
pont, jel
What is a "point"?
A point (.) is a punctuation mark used to indicate the end of a sentence. It signals the completion of a thought or statement, allowing readers to pause before starting the next sentence. For instance, in the sentence "The sun is shining," the point shows that the statement is finished. Points are also used in abbreviations, such as "e.g." for "for example" or "i.e." for "that is." By marking the end of sentences and clarifying meanings, points play an important role in written communication.
pont, tizedesvessző
kulcspont, lényeges pont
pont, fő ötlet
pont, jel
What is a "point"?
A point is a tiny, distinct spot on a surface in design. It acts as a fundamental element that can be used to build shapes, lines, and patterns. Points help direct focus, create emphasis, and add to the overall structure of a design.
pont, hely
pillanat, pont
cél, szándék
hegy, csúcs
pont, elem
hegy, pont
pont, jellemző
dugalj, tápegység
irány, cél
csúcs, pont
pont, különbség
pont, díj
pont, tipográfiai pont
pont, irány
megmutat, rámutat
mutatni, irányítani
pontozni, jelölni
pontozni, vokalizálni
irányítani, célba venni
mutatni, irányítani
mutatni, irányítani
megmutat, irányítani
hegyesít, élesít
mutatni, jelezni
utalni, javasolni