فشار دادن, فشار وارد کردن
آب گرفتن
اتو کردن
وزنه زدن
فشار دادن (دکمه و غیره)
تحت فشار قرار دادن
فشردن (به جهت خاصی)
از دو طرف فشار وارد کردن
(با پرس کردن) شکل دادن
جمع شدن
فشار آوردن (با اصرار)
تحمیل کردن, زور کردن
کمد لباس
دستگاه چاپ
What is the "press"?
The press refers to the media organizations, including newspapers, magazines, television stations, radio stations, and online platforms, that gather, report, and distribute news and information to the public. It encompasses both the journalists and the publications or outlets they work for, whose role is to inform and sometimes entertain, educate, or persuade audiences. The press is essential in keeping people informed about current events, offering diverse perspectives on issues, and holding institutions accountable.
What is a "press"?
In weightlifting, a press refers to a movement where a lifter pushes a barbell or other weights overhead while keeping their body still. The press is typically performed from a standing position, and the lifter uses their arms, shoulders, and core to lift the weight. It is a strict, controlled movement, meaning no leg assistance is allowed, unlike in some other lifts such as the clean and jerk. The press can be done with various grip widths and techniques, depending on the specific lift, such as the military press or the push press.
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دستگاه چاپ, چاپخانه